blank form field, but not really

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stuart Lee
  • Start date Start date

Stuart Lee

My problem concerns a field on a subform. The field often
looks empty or blank, but it's actually not. It's
apparent when I minimize and restore.

Here's the background:
I have a Command button on a subform that activates a
macro. The macro utilizes the function Dmax + 1 to
automatically increment a field (TransmittalNo) on my
subform. If I am entering a new record on my subform and
the command button is the first thing I hit, the data in
TransmittalNo shows up perfectly.
BUT, if I have entered data in any other field of the
subform prior to hitting the command button, the button
works but the TransmittalNo field "looks" blank. It's
actually not and this becomes apparent when I
minimize/restore the window. Upon restore, the data in
the TransmittalNo field is clearly present.

Has anyone encountered this before?
Perhaps adding a Recalc command after running the macro will solve your
problem. Or...
What usually works well is automatically running the macro in the Before
Insert event. Remember to enclose your DMax function in the NZ function in
case you find your table empty of records.
Karen Stern
A Little Help Computer Services, LLC
(e-mail address removed)
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