Recently some of our clients at our compnay have recently experienced Blank
Blue Screens when Alt Tabbing or closing an active terminal service window.
We have about 50 clients that use a Terminal Service based program. They all
run in "Full Screen" Mode, so they often Alt Tab to change between prorams.
Randomly though, a few clients a day (around 3-5) will experience a blank
blue screen when alt tabbing between the windows or even when trying to
closet he active session. It appears their session is locking up as you can
still navitage around the other programs or use the rest of the PC without
issue. But the terminal service window itself freezes.
We have contacted the tech support for the program itself but they are
stumped fully. I don't know if this is a Terminal Service bug. I'm actually
not too familiar with it.
We run Windows 2000 Terminal Services on a Server Running Windows 2000
Advanced Server.
Has anyone experienced a situation like this? Where they can't back out of a
terminal service window, or had random clients that couldn't backout, without
the window freezing up?
Recently some of our clients at our compnay have recently experienced Blank
Blue Screens when Alt Tabbing or closing an active terminal service window.
We have about 50 clients that use a Terminal Service based program. They all
run in "Full Screen" Mode, so they often Alt Tab to change between prorams.
Randomly though, a few clients a day (around 3-5) will experience a blank
blue screen when alt tabbing between the windows or even when trying to
closet he active session. It appears their session is locking up as you can
still navitage around the other programs or use the rest of the PC without
issue. But the terminal service window itself freezes.
We have contacted the tech support for the program itself but they are
stumped fully. I don't know if this is a Terminal Service bug. I'm actually
not too familiar with it.
We run Windows 2000 Terminal Services on a Server Running Windows 2000
Advanced Server.
Has anyone experienced a situation like this? Where they can't back out of a
terminal service window, or had random clients that couldn't backout, without
the window freezing up?