blacked out menu's

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ali
  • Start date Start date


For the last couple of day's most of the pull down menu's
are blacked out! If I move my mouse down them the become
visable but they still have the black lines between the
headings. Any idea's are greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Ali said:
For the last couple of day's most of the pull down menu's
are blacked out! If I move my mouse down them the become
visable but they still have the black lines between the
headings. Any idea's are greatly appreciated!

Right-click the desktop background, and choose "Properties". Click the
"Advanced..." button on that tab. Search the dropdown box marked
"Item": for "Menu". Check the "color" bax directly to the right of the
"Item" dropdown (the lower one selects the color of the text). Pick
the color you want for the background of your menus. The default is
ok I checked that and it all seems in order! It's not
doing it every time just a very high percentage!