Blackberry / PDA (etc) advice wanted

Oct 21, 2005
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Now this is a new area for me (PDA's, Blackberries etc) so forgive my lack of knowledge in this field.

But...What i'd like is a portable, handheld device for me to be able to receive Emails and browse the web (at a decent speed i might add) mainly. Now i'm not 100% sure what the difference is between a PDA and a Blackberry but above is what i'm after and at a reasonable price would be even better!

What should i be looking for as regard to specifications too?

Can anyone here give me some more information, tips, advice on this?

Thanks all
If you want to browse the web, a PDA is probably the best bet. Only problem is the cost, unless you happen to use it in quite a built up area with WiFi access.

You can get a PDA + GPRS/3G card for around £250 but browsing costs will be expensive. It may be worth checking out something like the o2 XDA II.

I'm not a Blackberry expert, but I've been assured they are extremely good - even with a nick-name of CrackBerry as they are so addictive to the high-flying office types! Best suited to e-mail though as far as I know :)
my sister has the HP H6340, you can use GPRS or wifi for internet, only thing is its price and the GPRS speed is a little random but its decent at everything else
Hmmm, kind putting me off the idea now folks when you both mention the price & speed.

Hmmm, need to do a bit more research methinks.

Thanks guys.
I would want you to check out one of the hottest selling PDA's currently Palm TX. It is reasonably priced, a great screen, has pretty decent specs to boast. Some consider it to be the best Palm ever.

Good PDA/Phones are not really cheap, if you go for cheaper ones you will have to compromise on one thing or the other. If you already have a decent phone you can always opt for a good PDA like mentioned above and it would not put a big dent on your pocket.

Please do not be in a hurry to make your decision, especially if it is your first time, do as much research as you can and know for sure what you are buying.