Black window when viewing animations.


Bo Snyder

I have a avi file taht i am trying to incorporate into a ppt presention. I
make a blank new ppt document and all i do is insert the animation via
"insert-movie-from file" and it inserts fine.

I go to view the slideshow (with only this single slide), the animation
shows up as a black window.

I then tried this on 6 different computers at my lab. They are all running
windows xp with all the updates and powerpoint 2003. The newer computers
all seem to exhibit the black window behaviour but the old penitum 3 800mhz
system with the old onboard 4meg video shows the animation fine.

If i play the animations in windows media player 9 on any computer, they all
play fine with no problems.

So bascially the comptuers with either the newer intel extereme video (most
updated videio drivers) or the compuers with the nvidia geforce 4 ti 4600
cards all seemt o exhibit the black window instead of playing the video but
the old pentium 3 with 4 meg on board intel video works fine.

Any ideas? i serched the microsoft knowledge base for "black animations" but
it didn't find any valid hits.

Thanks in advance...

Bill Dilworth

Hey Bo,

Couple of things to try...

1) What is the length of the link to the AVI file? I seem to remember that
there is a problem with long link lengths and videos. Try reducing the

2) Does the file play in MediaPlayer also? It may be that the program being
called to play the video isn't 'Windows Media Player 9', but just regular
old-as-dirt 'MediaPlayer'. Check this page, if it does not play in
**The Myers Multimedia FAQ by Austin Myers (PowerPoint MVP)

Just as a side note to keep you out of trouble and confusion; animations in
PowerPoint are very different than movie clips. It took me a minute to
realize what you were asking, but I come pre-confused.

Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
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