What is the best way to scan B&W negatives 16 bit b&w or 48 bit color.
I can talk myself into either one, so I just want to get other
opinions. I haven't liked the look of the color scans, so I have been
using b&w.
Ran a test, the settings were.
B&W film scanned in 16bit greyscale
B&W film scanned in 48bit color
Color film scanned in 48bit color
6x7 TMax 400 neg, scanned at 2400 ppi. all were down sized to 12x16
and printed on my Canon iPF5000.
Not a heck of a lot of difference in the prints, POSSIBLY a slight bit
more dynamic range in the color scans but not obvious. I'm going to
try another neg and see if that produce any definative results.
I have resisted taking 1 color channel and printing that, because it
is the equivalent of using a filter, and I want the images unfiltered,
as I shot them (a couple may have had a 25red when shot), old negs so
I don't remember every detail.