Black screens on win98 clients connecting to win2k TS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Logan
  • Start date Start date


I have 3 win98 clients connecting to a windows2000 server. Its a small 11
computer network, the rest of the systems run XP. All work is done through
the terminal server sessions. We use the latest Remote desktop client,
connect to the server and they are off and running. At some point, all the
98 systems terminal session screens either go totally black, or black out
much if not all the screen. The only way to get around this is for them to
disconnect from the session and get back in. For good measure, I have them
reboot their computers. I also, formatted and reinstalled win98 on one of
the desktops, and that seemed to work great for a bit, but now its doing the
same thing. Any idea's? The WinXP machines seem to be working fine.
Yes , I have the same problem...

Have anyone a idea


----- Logan wrote: ----

I have 3 win98 clients connecting to a windows2000 server. Its a small 1
computer network, the rest of the systems run XP. All work is done throug
the terminal server sessions. We use the latest Remote desktop client
connect to the server and they are off and running. At some point, all th
98 systems terminal session screens either go totally black, or black ou
much if not all the screen. The only way to get around this is for them t
disconnect from the session and get back in. For good measure, I have the
reboot their computers. I also, formatted and reinstalled win98 on one o
the desktops, and that seemed to work great for a bit, but now its doing th
same thing. Any idea's? The WinXP machines seem to be working fine