Black Screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Silver
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Jason Silver

I have downloaded the latest XP updates from
windowsupdate, and the newest version of MovieMaker.

When I attempt to preview the entire flic, the preview
screen is just black. It will play audio, and if I encode
the movie, the resulting video file is not black.

What can I do to resolve this?
Hi there,

Take a look at and the problem solving, acceleration and
codecs section. Take note that his site is temporarily down....I would
expect it to come back real soon though.
Thanks for your reply,

This isn't a CODEC issue, because I can preview the clips
when they're in the collections pane, just not when
they're assembed in the film building pane at the bottom.

For example, I click on a jpg and can view the image in
the preview pane. I drag it down to the film pane and so
build my movie. I then click rewind, play, etc., and
though the tracking bar moves throughout the movie, I see
nothing. I can save the movie file, and the resulting AVI
is fine. But there's no way to preview before saving it.

This is a new problem, and as far as I know, I haven't
changed anything. I've since tried to update Windows
Media and Windows Movie Maker, but with no luck.

I am able to use other movie making software and the
preview windows in these programs works fine.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Jason Silver
Hi there,

Yes I understand your point, but, I think I am correct in saying that a
different set of parameters are sent to the codec when running from the
time line...I'm sure I read about it somewhere. So, what I am trying to say
is, just because it works from one location in the program does not mean it
will work from the other. I am referring here to the actual codec that's
being used.

I call it an inconsistency, but apparently it was deliberate. If you take a
snapshot of the paused image from the time line and another from the
collections you will almost always end up with two different sized images.
One of them will be the dimensions of the original image and the other is I
think 320 x 240...but whatever it does not matter

So, I would not rule out the possibility of it being a codec. I don't know
whether you have actually looked at in the problem solving
acceleration may be worth it.

To give you an idea, I had these sort of problems in the early days and
really could not believe what the solution eventually turned out to was the OEM packaged program from Intervideo for playing
DVD' seemed that there audio codec called something along the lines
of was responsible for my problems in the video...once I
updated to there new codecs the issue went away...a similar story can be
told, so it seems for a lot of these "it comes with the DVD player/writer"

Anyway, if you fail to solve it, please feel free to ask again, someone
will try and help I know.
Thanks John,

It seems plausable then that this could be the issue. I
did spend some time at the site and wasn't able to find
my problem addressed.

The one thing I wonder about is that if it is a codec
issue, why am I able to use other video software to do
the same things? (Eg: ShowBiz, Rad, VirtualDub) They
would theoretically be using the same codec(s). Also,
since the final product encodes successfully from WMM,
(and it should be using the same codecs to make the final
mix as it does the preview) this seems like a less
plausable possibility. ALso, since absolutely NO video or
JPEGS or gifs are displaying in the media, that would
mean all the codecs are messed up with WMM. This seems a
little unlikely, especially since I just did a reinstall.

Perhaps you could direct me to the exact spot where this
is addressed on the site. I'm sorry to need such hand-
holding, but I found the site just a little difficult to
use and it seemed to be a lot of good information aimed
mostly at beginners...

Thanks again,
~Jason Inc.
-----Original Message-----
Hi there,

Yes I understand your point, but, I think I am correct in saying that a
different set of parameters are sent to the codec when running from the
time line...I'm sure I read about it somewhere. So, what I am trying to say
is, just because it works from one location in the program does not mean it
will work from the other. I am referring here to the actual codec that's
being used.

I call it an inconsistency, but apparently it was deliberate. If you take a
snapshot of the paused image from the time line and another from the
collections you will almost always end up with two different sized images.
One of them will be the dimensions of the
original image and the other is I
think 320 x 240...but whatever it does not matter

So, I would not rule out the possibility of it being a codec. I don't know
whether you have actually looked at in the problem solving
Hi There,

Yes its all a bit strange. When I had my problems in this area it was only
with Movie Maker. The two other packages I had worked fine. But even that
can be explained.

It seems that MM does not dictate the name of the codecs it should use
whereas both of my other packages do..well almost...The Newsoft program
gives no options at all with regard to which codec to use, and although I
no longer have it on the system, I am fairly sure that the codecs (actually
DLL's) were in the same directory as the main program and they were not
available to other programs. The other package, AIST MovieDV 6, has its own
set of codecs...and they are very fast (The software is actually used by a
lot of TV and Film companies) You can override the options in MovieDV to
use other codecs (This is the correct way of doing things by the way..It is
really not a good idea interfering with the windows setup by renaming the
files that are codecs...if that was a good way of doing things then it
would demonstrate that no other program needed that codec, in which case it
would be more appropriate to delete it and the program that once used it.
Can you imagine...a class action against you for causing failure of a
program be recommending that you rename some of its component parts Phew!!)

There are a list of codecs with comments about their effects on MM2 on under Problem Solving, Acceleration and codecs. The bit
you need to look at is the lower half of the page. It list known codecs
that causes problems.It would be foolish to say the list is complete, but
it is probably the best there is.

If I am not teaching you how to do something you already know...

1) Grab the list and print it out

2) Open the codecs section by clicking Start > Settings > Control Panel >
System > Hardware > Device Manager > Sound, Video and Game Controllers.

3) Compare the Audio and Video codecs that are listed under each of those
headings with the list you printed out from the web and take action as you
alone see fit.

4) By double clicking on any of the codecs you will get to see its
properties. You should take note that not all audio and video codecs have
properties that are displayable or indeed editable.

5) You will also notice that you can alter the order of the codecs so that
XP looks at them in the order that you want.


I strongly disagree with searching out any file on a computer and renaming
it so as to make another program work, its just asking for trouble later
on. You will see from items 4 and 5 above that you can Add, Delete and
Modify some or all of the codecs that are stored in universal locations on
your system. If a codec is not registered on your system but actually
exists in a directory other than those on the search path, then that codec
will almost certainly not be part of the problem and is almost certainly
accessed by a particular program (as in my case with MovieDV)

I would recommend that you note down the current order of your codecs and
then experiment by altering the order they are presented to any program
that you are using. I would suggest that you leave the audio codecs until a
last resort situation (Yes they can cause situations such that video will
not be displayed)

If you venture into the area of changing a codecs parameters please write
down the current settings before changing anything..I have made this
mistake and after you have altered a few of them its very easy to get
confused with what the current codec should be set at by default.

If you are certain that a particular codec is the one causing the problem,
look again at its properties so as to try and determine which program it
came with, they are not always named so that you can work that out, but by
eliminating other codecs and with a knowledge of what programs are on your
system you can sometimes make a good guess. In addition, altering where
possible a codecs properties would be my first choice rather than removing
it. Also, if you cannot work out which program it came with by the above
method then find the actual program using Windows Explorer and right click
the codec and look under properties...sometimes a codec will contain
internally information on the original company, the software it is
associated with and of course things like version number.

If none of the above works, I currently have a good line in large, heavy
hammers :)
Thanks JOhn! Lots of good tangible things to try here.
I'll give it my best shot-- if not with a hammer... :)

-----Original Message-----
Hi There,

Yes its all a bit strange. When I had my problems in this area it was only
with Movie Maker. The two other packages I had
worked fine. But even that