BLACK screen-Back up- and System Restore- HELP



What is TRUE IMAGE ? I just backed up my files and was looking for info on
system restore and found a response to use True Image softwear.

I have backed up all my data - I am having problems with my systems- ie.
AFTER downloading ( a game site) AND Win Live One...I have gone into
ADD/remove and removed the programs BUT Pogo is STILL on my desktop and it is
still usable ( ie. can click onto site)...there seems to be no way to remove

Also I have an EBAY quick link on my computer and have no way to remove it
as it is NOT in my add/remove programs..NOTHING- nada- but this ebay is a
click on to get into ebay fast. I do NOT want this.

In addition, my screen - upon signing in to my screen name- goes BLACK and
then desktop with icons flashes, then it flashes BLACK again and then desktop
finally loads. THIS was why I did a backup as I thought I needed to do a
system restore.

I do NOT want to screw up this computer any more than it already is...

I am running McAfee Security Suite as it is free with my isp.

Please help ....


Mr. Arnold

andy said:
What is TRUE IMAGE ? I just backed up my files and was looking for info on
system restore and found a response to use True Image softwear.

I have backed up all my data - I am having problems with my systems- ie.
AFTER downloading ( a game site) AND Win Live One...I have gone
ADD/remove and removed the programs BUT Pogo is STILL on my desktop and it
still usable ( ie. can click onto site)...there seems to be no way to

Also I have an EBAY quick link on my computer and have no way to remove it
as it is NOT in my add/remove programs..NOTHING- nada- but this ebay is a
click on to get into ebay fast. I do NOT want this.

In addition, my screen - upon signing in to my screen name- goes BLACK and
then desktop with icons flashes, then it flashes BLACK again and then
finally loads. THIS was why I did a backup as I thought I needed to do a
system restore.

I do NOT want to screw up this computer any more than it already is...

I am running McAfee Security Suite as it is free with my isp.

Please help ....

If the computer is taking restore points, you should restore it back to a
point before you introduced the program.

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