Black ops: how HBGary wrote backdoors for the government (Part 1)

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Virus Guy

Black ops: how HBGary wrote backdoors for the government

Part 1 of 3


On November 16, 2009, Greg Hoglund, a cofounder of computer security
firm HBGary, sent an e-mail to two colleagues. The message came with an
attachment, a Microsoft Word file called AL_QAEDA.doc, which had been
further compressed and password protected for safety. Its contents were

"I got this word doc linked off a dangler site for Al Qaeda peeps,"
wrote Hoglund. "I think it has a US govvy payload buried inside. Would
be neat to [analyze] it and see what it's about. DONT open it unless in
a [virtual machine] obviously - DONT let it FONE HOME unless you want
black suits landing on your front acre. :-)"

The attached document, which is in English, begins: "LESSON SIXTEEN:

It purports to be an Al-Qaeda document on dispatching one's enemies with
knives (try "the area directly above the genitals"), with ropes
("Choking - there is no other area besides the neck"), with blunt
objects ("Top of the stomach, with the end of the stick."), and with
hands ("Poking the fingers into one or both eyes and gouging them.").

But the poison recipes, for ricin and other assorted horrific
bioweapons, are the main draw. One, purposefully made from a specific
combination of spoiled food, requires "about two spoonfuls of fresh
excrement." The document praises the effectiveness of the resulting
poison: "During the time of the destroyer, Jamal Abdul Nasser, someone
who was being severely tortured in prison (he had no connection with
Islam), ate some feces after losing sanity from the severity of the
torture. A few hours after he ate the feces, he was found dead."
The purported Al-Qaeda document

According to Hoglund, the recipes came with a side dish, a specially
crafted piece of malware meant to infect Al-Qaeda computers. Is the US
government in the position of deploying the hacker's darkest tools -
rootkits, computer viruses, trojan horses, and the like? Of course it
is, and Hoglund was well-positioned to know just how common the practice
had become. Indeed, he and his company helped to develop these
electronic weapons.

Thanks to a cache of HBGary e-mails leaked by the hacker collective
Anonymous, we have at least a small glimpse through a dirty window into
the process by which tax dollars enter the military-industrial complex
and emerge as malware.

Task B

In 2009, HBGary had partnered with the Advanced Information Systems
group of defense contractor General Dynamics to work on a project
euphemistically known as "Task B." The team had a simple mission: slip a
piece of stealth software onto a target laptop without the owner's
HBGary white paper on exploiting software

They focused on ports - a laptop's interfaces to the world around it -
including the familiar USB port, the less-common PCMCIA Type II card
slot, the smaller ExpressCard slot, WiFi, and Firewire. No laptop would
have all of these, but most recent machines would have at least two.

The HBGary engineering team broke this list down into three categories.
First came the "direct access" ports that provided "uninhibited
electronic direct memory access." PCMCIA, ExpressCard, and Firewire all
allowed external devices - say a custom piece of hardware delivered by a
field operative - to interact directly with the laptop with a minimum
amount of fuss. The direct memory access provided by the controllers for
these ports mean that devices in them can write directly to the
computer's memory without intervention from the main CPU and with little
restriction from the operating system. If you want to overwrite key
parts of the operating system to sneak in a bit of your own code, this
is the easiest way to go.

The second and third categories, ports that needed "trust relationships"
or relied on "buffer overflows," included USB and wireless networking.
These required more work to access, especially if one wanted to do so
without alerting a user; Windows in particular is notorious for the
number of prompts it throws when USB devices are inserted or removed. A
cheerful note about "Searching for device driver for
NSA_keylogger_rootkit_tango" had to be avoided.

So HBGary wanted to go the direct access route, characterizing it as the
"low hanging fruit" with the lowest risk. General Dynamics wanted HBGary
to investigate the USB route as well (the ports are more common, but an
attack has to trick the operating system into doing its bidding somehow,
commonly through a buffer overflow).

The team had two spy movie scenarios in which its work might be used,
scenarios drafted to help the team think through its approach:

1) Man leaves laptop locked while quickly going to the bathroom. A
device can then be inserted and then removed without touching the laptop
itself except at the target port. (i.e. one can't touch the mouse,
keyboard, insert a CD, etc.)

2) Woman shuts down her laptop and goes home. One then can insert a
device into the target port and assume she will not see it when she
returns the next day. One can then remove the device at a later time
after she boots up the machine.

Why would the unnamed client for Task B - which a later e-mail makes
clear was for a government agency - want such a tool? Imagine you want
access to the computer network used in a foreign government ministry, or
in a nuclear lab. Such a facility can be tough to crack over the
Internet; indeed, the most secure facilities would have no such external
access. And getting an agent inside the facility to work mischief is
very risky - if it's even possible at all.

But say a scientist from the facility uses a memory stick to carry data
home at night, and that he plugs the memory stick into his laptop on
occasion. You can now get a piece of custom spyware into the facility by
putting a copy on the memory stick - if you can first get access to the
laptop. So you tail the scientist and follow him from his home one day
to a local coffee shop. He steps away to order another drink, to go to
the bathroom, or to talk on his cell phone, and the tail walks past his
table and sticks an all-but-undetectable bit of hardware in his laptop's
ExpressCard slot. Suddenly, you have a vector that points all the way
from a local coffee shop to the interior of a secure government

The software exploit code actually delivered onto the laptop was not
HBGary's concern; it needed only to provide a route through the
computer's front door. But it had some constraints. First, the laptop
owner should still be able to use the port so as not to draw attention
to the inserted hardware. This is quite obviously tricky, but one could
imagine a tiny ExpressCard device that slid down into the slot but could
in turn accept another ExpressCard device on its exterior-facing side.
This sort of parallel plugging might well go unnoticed by a user with no
reason to suspect it.

HBGary's computer infiltration code then had to avoid the computer's own
electronic defenses. The code should "not be detectable" by virus
scanners or operating system port scans, and it should clean up after
itself to eliminate all traces of entry.

Greg Hoglund was confident that he could deliver at least two
laptop-access techniques in less than a kilobyte of memory each. As the
author of books like Exploiting Software: How to Break Code, Rootkits:
Subverting the Windows Kernel, and Exploiting Online Games: Cheating
Massively Distributed Systems, he knew his way around the deepest
recesses of Windows in particular.

Hoglund's special interest was in all-but-undetectable computer
"rootkits," programs that provide privileged access to a computer's
innermost workings while cloaking themselves even from standard
operating system functions. A good rootkit can be almost impossible to
remove from a running machine - if you could even find it in the first

Just a demo

Some of this work was clearly for demonstration purposes, and much of it
was probably never deployed in the field. For instance, HBGary began
$50,000 of work for General Dynamics on "Task C" in June 2009, creating
a piece of malware that infiltrated Windows machines running Microsoft

The target user would preview a specially crafted e-mail message in
Outlook that took advantage of an Outlook preview pane vulnerability to
execute a bit of code in the background. This code would install a
kernel driver, one operating at the lowest and most trusted level of the
operating system, that could send traffic over the computer's serial
port. (The point of this exercise was never spelled out, though the use
of serial ports rather than network ports suggest that cutting-edge
desktop PCs were not the target.)

HPGary's Expertise:

Once installed, the malware could execute external commands, such as
sending specific files over the serial port, deleting files on the
machine, or causing the infamous Windows "blue screen of death." In
addition, the code should be able to pop open the computer's CD tray and
blink the lights on its attached keyboards - another reminder that Task
C was, at this stage, merely for a demo.

General Dynamics would presumably try to interest customers in the
product, but it's not clear from the e-mails at HBGary whether this was
ever successful. Even with unique access to the innermost workings of a
security firm, much remains opaque; the real conversations took place
face-to-face or on secure phone lines, not through e-mail, so the
glimpses we have here are fragmentary at best. This care taken to avoid
sending sensitive information via unencrypted e-mail stands in stark
contrast with the careless approach to security that enabled the hacks
in the first place.

But that doesn't mean specific information is hard to come by - such as
the fact that rootkits can be purchased for $60,000.

Step right up!

Other tools were in use and were sought out by government agencies. An
internal HBGary e-mail from early 2010 asks, "What are the license costs
for HBGary rk [rootkit] platform if they want to use it on guardian for
afisr [Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance]?"

The reply indicates that HBGary has several tools on offer. "Are you
asking about the rootkit for XP (kernel driver that hides in plain sight
and is a keylogger that exfiltrates data) or are you asking about 12
Monkeys? We've sold licenses of the 1st one for $60k. We haven't set a
price on 12 Monkeys, but can."

The company had been developing rootkits for years. Indeed, it had even
developed a private Microsoft Word document outlining its basic rootkit
features, features which customers could have (confirming the e-mail
listed above) for $60,000.

Description of basic rootkit platform

That money bought you the rootkit source code, which was undetectable by
most rootkit scanners or firewall products when it was tested against
them in 2008. Only one product from Trend Micro noticed the rootkit
installation, and even that alert was probably not enough to warn a
user. As the HBGary rootkit document notes, "This was a low level alert.
TrendMicro assaults the user with so many of these alerts in every day
use, therefore most users will quickly learn to ignore or even turn off
such alerts."

When installed in a target machine, the rootkit could record every
keystroke that a user typed, linking it up to a Web browser history.
This made it easy to see usernames, passwords, and other data being
entered into websites; all of this information could be silently
"exfiltrated" right through even the pickiest personal firewall.

But if a target watched its outgoing traffic and noted repeated contacts
with, say, a US Air Force server, suspicions might be aroused. The
rootkit could therefore connect instead to a "dead drop" - a totally
anonymous server with no apparent connection to the agency using the
rootkit - where the target's keyboard activity could be retrieved at a
later time.

But by 2009, the existing generic HBGary rootkit package was a bit long
in the tooth. Hoglund, the rootkit expert, apparently had much bigger
plans for a next-gen product called "12 monkeys."