Black Friday starts today!


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
A heads-up for anyone who might be interested - the Amazon Black Friday Sale begins today. It runs from 14th to 25th November 2016. So hope you find a bargain! :D
Is it just me, or does Black Friday start earlier each year?!
In all the years this promotion has been running I have never, ever, found a bargain.

And FWIW the last few purchases I've made I've managed to obtain cheaper elsewhere than Amazon. A Honeywell fan heater at Amazon - £50. Same heater at Argos - £40. So I visited Lewisham shopping centre.

Couple that with the recent news story about Amazon delivery drivers working over hours and being under-paid and Amazon are looking decidedly lacklustre.

And just to round off my Mr Grumpy stance I recently found myself signed up for a months trial of Amazon Prime - to be followed by them taking a direct debit payment from me monthly apparently - without ever having signed up for this Prime thing.

I had to jump through a fair few hoops to get unattached from the damn thing.

Here endeth the moan :mad:
Is it just me, or does Black Friday start earlier each year?!
Yes indeed! It also seems to last longer too, having gone from one day, to about 10. :rolleyes:
Couple that with the recent news story about Amazon delivery drivers working over hours and being under-paid and Amazon are looking decidedly lacklustre.
I read about that also and feel equally disgruntled about it. :nod:
I just don't have any inkling to do any 'bargain' shopping any day of the week, especially on a Fryday. :)

hay! it's Monday, innit?
Can't say I see any bargains out there!
Think I'll wait for Black Friday like everyone else..:lol:
Amazons Black Friday sales have been crap for a few years now.... :\
Have I heard correctly that there is an even bigger sale event in Asia (?) called "Remembrance Day"
Did I hear right?
So I saw the 43" TV for sale for £400 at Amazon during their Black Friday Sale and intrigued by the above link showing it online for £289 I checked it out. Only one online dealer offered it for less than Amazon - Very - and that offer is on one of these dealer 'round-ups'.

But when I cut and pasted for the TV at Very it turned out to be £650.00. Link

Which just goes to show bargains can be had and it definitely pays to shop around.

And a good bit of advice would be to check stock levels and delivery dates of any item before parting with cash.

Edit: Just noticed the TV advertised cheap has a 'V' at the end of its model number, the only one found at Very does not have that 'V'. Dunno if that makes a difference.
8GB Fire tablet £29.99 today... Link

Kindle Paperwhite for £80 isn't bad either :nod:

On a sidenote, I nearly made a grave spelling error by accidentally typing an 's' instead of a 'w' above :lol:
... a grave spelling error by...

Yeah... said Tom Waits (a long time ago):

Yeah... I think I'm gonna plant you now and I'm gonna dig you later
Make like a bakery truck and haul buns
Make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here
I gotta go see a man about a dog
I'll see you later
Thank you very much for coming this evening

I'm very close to getting her one of these for Xmas, The old Kindle she has is on its last legs and the back light would be well received when she's reading in bed. :)

I ordered this yesterday to replace my G Watch R. Bargain. :)

Kindle Paperwhite is excellent, can't recommend it enough - it'll last for years too :).

That watch looks interesting, I've not even seen that model before... can you post your thoughts when you've used it please? I really want to see what you think of it! Hmmm, I could do with a new watch...