Ummm... what are you talking about, sir?
I WAS expecting someone to post a link to a Firefox distribution with a good
extension pack. I was not disappointed.
Sorry. Looked like what you were expecting ("but not so soon") was for
someone to put together a Firebird / Firefox package with extensions, in
which case, Aaron was simply pointing out that the package was not new . If
you say your expectation ("but not so soon") was simply for someone to POST
A LINK TO THE PACKAGE (thereby implying that you were already aware of the
package itself), then I apologize. Seems odd, but I'll take your word for
Mine is the only one that counts, OK?
Yes. But I was merely suggesting that if you looked at the comment the way
others did, it wouldn't have been necessary to wrestle Aaron from your
shorts (he was only there in your imagination, anyway).
Look, Mr. Libres, this is between me and Aaron. If I need an umpire, I'll
keep you in mind.
Seems you and Aaron have a [perceived] IE/MyIE vs. FireFox thing going on,
and I won't comment about the bickering in other threads, other than to say
some of that is petty (what's bloat or not bloat; what's a shell and what's
a full program/browser... the latter having included some of the most
ridiculously twisted definitions I have ever seen put forth for something
who's definition should be fairly clear-cut). Irrespective of any other
threads, however, there is no doubt that you are the the one who's "way
out" and "annoying" here.
On the above, here's what I say, and I am sorry if you disagree.
MyIE2 is an IE browser shell. (I have said that many times)
MyIE2 is not bloated at 750KB
Firefox is not feature packed until you add many extensions
You may have said it was a browser shell, but this was part of a thread
from early Feb. 2004:
"It's not a browser, only an IE add-on.
"Yes, but to make things easy I call it a browser because from the
users view it is very different from normal IE. We didn't call Windows
98 to Windows 95 add-on or XP as Windows 2000 add-on allthough the
they use quite a lot of same code.
"Good point. MyIE2 is *technically a browser add-on, but practically, it's
a browser. Let the hair splitters call it a browser shell. I'll simply call
it a browser from now on unless someone asks for the technical description.

The analogy that MyIE2-is-to-MS IE-as-Win98-is-to-Win95 (or, in other
words, if the latter isn't called an "add-on", neither should the former)
is part of the "ridiculousness" that I refer to. And when presented with
that analogy, you said, "Good point". Huh?
Look Mr Libres, if I annoy you, you are smart enough to know what you can do
about it.
I am smart; and no, in general you don't annoy me. I don't know Aaron or
you, nor do I favor, on the whole, either of your positions in favor of
the other's. I just felt like you reacted to something rather benevolent in
a rather malevolent way, and my reaction this time, perhaps out of boredom,
was to point it out to you.
I use MyIE2, by the way. And Mozilla. And Firefox. In that order. Not that
you care, but I don't want to appear to be a "crusader" (a word you have
also used in the past) for any particular software.