Black borders in picture frames

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I'm new so if this sounds ignorant please forgive me!
I'm getting black borders on either side of the jpg clips I import or they
show up on the top and bottom. I've tried to resize the frames with
Photoshop but to no avail.
When I bring the movie into Power Point the black bands look terrible. I've
also tried to cut the start and stop point of a particular clip to delete the
black bands but that won't work either.
ANY suggestions would be appreciated.
Hello there,

The procedure you should adopt is as follows...

1) Using an editing program crop the image so that its dimension conform to
your target ration...if you want widescreen use a cropping tool set to 16:9 or
4:3 for old fashioned TV

2) Using the same program resample the image so that its height conforms to the
height of your target if using PAL DV-AVI resample so that the
height of the image is 576 pixels. The width will take care of itself if you
have done step one above

The reason for this is that Movie Maker makes a poor job of resampling stills
and has no abilities to crop.

If you want a video editor that WILL do the above as well as a lot more try to
find the free version of MovieXone...its often found on publications like PC

Hope this helps.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
The size of the image is not relevant....Movie Maker does a bad job of resizing
as you already were told this by the MIcrosoft person Dean

Almost any image editor will do a better job then Movie Maker. If the op wants
to use an image that is smaller than the eventual target size that is a matter
for him, he will know that making an image larger will always produce a blocky least with proper editors he will be able to minimize
that...something you cannot do in Movie Maker.

John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
The size of the image is not relevant....

It does matter: since if the height of the images is already a integer
multiple of output frame height then resize step can be skipped; potentially
saving some drudgery involved in cropping and resizing.
Yes whatever...hope you are still watching Mr. Brown

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Sod it why not.


It does not matter one jot what the picture size is completly
irrelevant as the very first step the op has to do is change it...thats why he
is asking for borders!!!!!

As soon as the image is cropped in any reasonably good image editor it is then
neccessary to resize it so as to avoid the pooor performance exhibited by

Drudgery it might be...REQUIRED it always is

Question, Do you intend to keep it up? Are you going to persist in these
attempts after you have been told to stop? Why do you insist on perpetuating
your agenda

Have a nice day.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work