Amstro2006 said:
Is there a way to just switch from a color world to black and white. I would
like to have everything on my computer in black and white for a change.
Everything means everything, even the websites that I visit.
Is there a way to do this and wether switching back is possible or not
between color and black/white. I am using Windows XP.
I. don't. think. so.
You may have to get a monochrome monitor for this (which may be quite hard these days). The software might be able to support it
but the hardware does not. Your video card more than likely does not have a black and white mode that you can use. You may be able
to find some software that can force the video card into 2-bit color mode but that's probably not a good idea. There are a few
standard video modes that are black and white but they are ancient and XP will not use them (XP's minimum requirements preclude
those video modes). Older Windows like 3.x and probably 95 (maaaaybe 98) might.
Your best bet is to try to find a program that can color the system. Some kind of color-correction software, or perhaps some kind
of "toy software", the kind designed to be "fun". Another option is to check your video card's control software. Run the Display
Properties applet from the Control Panel and select Settings Tab, click the Advanced button. There should be some tabs to control
your card (although your video card may use a program instead.) Either way, look for some color manipulation controls and see if
there is a saturation control. You can turn that all the way down to make all display output grayscale.