Bizarre IndexOutOfRangeException during Fill

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jon Skeet [C# MVP]
  • Start date Start date

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

We've had a problem we've been trying to reproduce for weeks now. It
only occurs every so often, but we can't work out when, why, or how to
fix it.

We have various forms with CurrencyManagers in. The CurrencyManagers
are bound to DataViews which have been populated from the database. The
database itself is then changed from another thread, and then from the
UI thread we call Fill on the DataAdapter, passing in the DataTable
that the DataView is reflecting. Sometimes, we then get an exception
with the following stack trace (extra line between each stack frame for

_ChangeRecordState(int nPositionNew = -1, bool fValidating = true, bool
fEndCurrentEdit = true, bool fFirePositionChange = true, bool fPullData
= false) + 0x34 bytes

_List_ListChanged(System.Object sender = {System.Data.DataView},
System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e =
{System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs}) + 0x335 bytes

(System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e =

(System.Object sender = {System.Data.Index},
System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e =
{System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs}) + 0xd bytes

(System.Data.TargetEvent targetEvent = IndexListChanged, System.Object
sender = {System.Data.Index}, System.EventArgs e =
{System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs}) + 0x26 bytes

(System.Object sender = {System.Data.Index},
System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e =
{System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs}) + 0x1d bytes

(System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e =
{System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs}) + 0x1d bytes

oldRecord = 1, System.Data.DataViewRowState oldOldState = Unchanged,
System.Data.DataViewRowState oldNewState = ModifiedOriginal, int
newRecord = 19, System.Data.DataViewRowState newOldState = None,
System.Data.DataViewRowState newNewState = ModifiedCurrent) + 0xdc

record1 = 1, System.Data.DataViewRowState oldState1 = Unchanged,
System.Data.DataViewRowState newState1 = ModifiedOriginal, int record2
= 19, System.Data.DataViewRowState oldState2 = None,
System.Data.DataViewRowState newState2 = ModifiedCurrent) + 0x38 bytes

(System.Data.DataRow row = {System.Data.DataRow}, int proposedRecord =
19, System.Data.DataRowAction action = Change, bool isInMerge = false)
+ 0xf1 bytes

values = {Length=36}, bool fAcceptChanges = false) + 0x6f bytes

System.Data.Common.SchemaMapping.LoadDataRow(bool clearDataValues =
false, bool acceptChanges = false) + 0x48 bytes

(System.Data.Common.SchemaMapping mapping =
{System.Data.Common.SchemaMapping}) + 0x50 bytes

System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromReader(System.Object data =
{System.Data.DataTable}, string srcTable = null,
System.Data.IDataReader dataReader =
{System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataReader}, int startRecord = 0, int
maxRecords = 0, System.Data.DataColumn parentChapterColumn = <undefined
value>, System.Object parentChapterValue = <undefined value>) + 0x62

(System.Data.DataTable dataTable = {System.Data.DataTable},
System.Data.IDataReader dataReader =
{System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataReader}) + 0x3c bytes

(System.Object data = {System.Data.DataTable}, int startRecord = 0, int
maxRecords = 0, string srcTable = null, System.Data.IDbCommand command
= {System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand}, System.Data.CommandBehavior
behavior = SingleResult) + 0x4d bytes

(System.Data.DataTable dataTable = {System.Data.DataTable},
System.Data.IDbCommand command =
{System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand}, System.Data.CommandBehavior
behavior = SingleResult) + 0x23 bytes

(System.Data.DataTable dataTable = {System.Data.DataTable}) + 0x4c

Now, it seems to me that it's probably a bug in the MS databinding code
anyway, but if we could get rid of the CurrencyManager to start with it
would allow us to work round it. Our current thought is to create a new
DataView for each of the forms, so we can call Dispose on them to
unbind - but that's pretty horrible.

Has anyone else encountered this?
We are experiencing a simular occurance. Everytime we add the first row to
our datatable, an exception is thown (and internally caught in the framwork).
The row gets added, but it adds a big delay while the exception gets caught.
If we clear the table and repopulate it, the first Add() again causes an
exception, but without the long delay.

If you're running in the debugger, the delay is probably caused by
that. It shouldn't happen in non-debug mode. Exceptions being thrown
and caught within the framework don't bother me too much - it's ones
that "escape" the framework that concern me!
Actually, I had not tried it "outside" the debugger. Although the exceptions
must still be getting generated, I do not see any slow down on the first row

Just for completeness:
If I delay binding the datatable to the datagrid until after it has a row of
data, then a) adding the first row does not generate an exception b) no
delay adding the first row c) databinding and showing the data is fast.
If I then delete the rows and re-add one to the now bound grid/table, the
exception now gets thrown and the delay now occurs.
So, the issue is not with the datatable, it is with the databinding to the

I'm not sure you necessarily *have* an issue - if the exception isn't
propagated to you, then you shouldn't worry about it. The delay may be
slightly annoying in the debugger, but it's not something your
customers will see. You could fake it away by starting a new thread
just to throw and catch an exception on startup, if you wanted.