Bizarre fuse blow bug - graphics card or ?

Nov 5, 2014
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Hi all,

I have a rather strange problem. I have an LCD monitor acting as a second screen connected to the graphics card via a DVI connector at both ends.

The problem is its been working for months and routinely goes into power saving mode overnight and I wake it up in the morning. One morning it didnt wake up and I discovered the 5A fuse had blown. Changed the fuse, saw the blue power light illuminate on the monitor and then promptly go off again. Changed the fuse same thing again.

Unplugged the DVI cable, changed the fuse and its fine. Obviously no desktop as no PC connected. But this does prove its something to do with the PC...but what?

Thanks for any pointers...
I dunno, but ...

I'd replace that 5amp with a 3amp ... a 3amp is good for up to 700w. Your 5amp is OTT

The average household kettle only requires a 10amp fuse, not the frecking 13amp the dumb manufacturers fit. :rolleyes:

disclaimer: I'm not an electrician, dispite what they tell you, the fuse is only really there to protect the cable from instant combustion.
Ok...firstly, thank you so much for the replies and trying to help. I really do appreciate it anyone taking the time to login, look through the posts and put their brain to the problem in hand. Whatever your motivations, it all comes down to reaching out and helping someone.

Soooo....its not the cable. At least I replaced it and it still dies. The plug says 5A so I'm sticking with that. But whatever rating I put in, blows as soon as the DVI cable is plugged in or as soon as the power hits the monitor. I'm thinking that either some kind of surge is happening in the graphics card on the DVI port ( I dont know if thats possible without having some affect on the other circuitry...? ) or there's something wrong in the monitor...a dry joint or part failure....I mean what else could it be??? Whatever it is, it must be highly localised and isolated on the circuit board to not affect anything else. Without the connection to the PC the monitor powers up fine showing its boot display LG blah blah blah, blue light comes on etc. And there are no noticeable problems with the PC display. I'm loathe to try something like a DVI to HDMI adapter and plug the DVI cable into my TV in case it blows the TV!!!!