BITS and Automatic updates not Starting on Main Domain Controller

  • Thread starter Thread starter cst112
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I have been struggling with this problem for a while.
Can and expert guide me through this problem. This is a Windows 2000
Server with SP4. I have read many of the posts and tried all
suggestions but so far no success.
The Bits Service does not start and it doesn't seem to log any messages
in the event viewer.

this is what happened after typing net start bits
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service is starting........

The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service could not be
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3523.

This is the error message when started it under Services.mmc
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request
in a timely fashion.

C:\Documents and Settings\backupexec>tlist 2748
2748 svchost.exe
CWD: C:\WINNT\system32\
CmdLine: C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe -k BITSgroup
VirtualSize: 8864 KB PeakVirtualSize: 14700 KB
WorkingSetSize: 1136 KB PeakWorkingSetSize: 1660 KB
NumberOfThreads: 1
2320 Win32StartAddr:0x010010b8 LastErr:0x000003e5 State:Waiting
5.0.2134.1 shp 0x01000000 svchost.exe
5.0.2195.7006 shp 0x77f80000 ntdll.dll
5.0.2195.7038 shp 0x7c2d0000 ADVAPI32.DLL
5.0.2195.7006 shp 0x7c570000 KERNEL32.dll
5.0.2195.7020 shp 0x77d30000 RPCRT4.dll
5.0.2195.7034 shp 0x7ce20000 OLE32.DLL
5.0.2195.7011 shp 0x77f40000 GDI32.dll
5.0.2195.7032 shp 0x77e10000 USER32.dll
6.1.9844.0 shp 0x78000000 msvcrt.dll
5.0.2195.6601 shp 0x75030000 WS2_32.DLL
5.0.2134.1 shp 0x75020000 WS2HELP.DLL

I ran the dependencie walker for QMGR.DLL and these are the files it
says it can't find.

[ ? ] SHFOLDER.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the
file specified (2).
[D? ] APPHELP.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the
file specified (2).
[D? ] QMGRFTP.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the
file specified (2).
[D? ] VSSAPI.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the
file specified (2).