I get this error when trying to install BITS 1.5 client. Any help would be
greatly appreciated!!!
2004-10-04 13:33:32 18:33:32 Error BITS CLNT Failed to stop
service bits.. (Error 0x0000041D: The service did not respond to the start or
control request in a timely fashion.)
2004-10-04 13:33:32 18:33:32 Error BITS CLNT Failed to install
section StopBits. Aborting the entire setup. (Error 0x0000041D: The service
did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.)
greatly appreciated!!!
2004-10-04 13:33:32 18:33:32 Error BITS CLNT Failed to stop
service bits.. (Error 0x0000041D: The service did not respond to the start or
control request in a timely fashion.)
2004-10-04 13:33:32 18:33:32 Error BITS CLNT Failed to install
section StopBits. Aborting the entire setup. (Error 0x0000041D: The service
did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.)