Bitmap won't display on Arm4 device

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eric Ratliff ICPDAS-USA
  • Start date Start date

Eric Ratliff ICPDAS-USA

We are having trouble getting bitmaps to display from
managed code on our Windows CE.NET 4.1 controller. In
the test application we use the PictureBox class
with .bmp and .jpg files assigned at design time. The
images do display fine in the emulator. On our
controller we get an exception as follows:
Could we be leaving something out when building the OS
with Platform Builder? Perhaps missing some .dll that
needs to go in the .exe's directory? We have no trouble
displaying images on the controller from eMbedded Visual
C++ applications.

Eric Ratliff
Thank you Alex,

But, we have not been able to find imgdecmp.dll except
for X86 processors. We suspected that lack of
imgdecmp.dll was the problem, but have not been able to
find it for ArmV4.


As Chris had suggested in one of the previous replies to
the similar problem, you must talk to the OEM of your
device and ask them to include this dll into the device's

HTH... Alex

We are the OEM, and we are stuck. We can't find an
appropriate imgdecmp.dll to put into the OS image for
ArmV4. I have opened a ticket with Microsoft support,
hopefully they can find an answer. Another thread
suggests imaging.dll. Thank you for your help so far.

It's an option when building an image in PB

Eric Ratliff said:

We are the OEM, and we are stuck. We can't find an
appropriate imgdecmp.dll to put into the OS image for
ArmV4. I have opened a ticket with Microsoft support,
hopefully they can find an answer. Another thread
suggests imaging.dll. Thank you for your help so far.

If you are using PB 4.2, then including the OS Dependencies for .NET item
automatically causes imgdecmp to be part of the image. Refer to
cesysgen.bat, if that seems not to be working. You could also set the
environment variable __SYSGEN_IMGDECMP=1 to force the DLL into the image...

Paul T.