Bitdefender question


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have just installed Bitdefender (free version) to replace MSE. (Yes, should probably have done it before. :o)

Anyway, it's certainly discreet, etc. But I chanced to read a few customer comments (when searching for a "how-to" page.) A few people commented on how BD had quarantined what they knew to be "innocent" files. All were very cross, because - they say - there was no means of retrieving the quarantined files, which were effectively, lost.

So, are they right? Is there any way to find/retrieve anything which is mistakenly confiscated by BD? If so, how?

Sorry if this seems a bit of a noob question, (yeah ok, it IS a noob question, lol) but there certainly isn't much of an interface with this wee AV, so would be handy to know.

Thanks for reading. :D
Not had any problems myself, nor heard anything from the other 3 peeps I tend in that respect.

Any idea what/where/who/how ... linkies even? :)

There is a "Bitdefender's User Guide" in its folder you can read.
Not had any problems myself, nor heard anything from the other 3 peeps I tend in that respect.

Any idea what/where/who/how ... linkies even? :)

There is a "Bitdefender's User Guide" in its folder you can read.
Thanks for the reply Mucks, and sorry, my bad... I would normally have checked-out BD's own website first, but instead, found myself on a review page. Amongst a lot of end-comments, I found this one, amongst others:
If it quarantined a suspicious file, you don't get any option or menu to view and release the item. The minimal interface means you can't do anything about it if it quarantines a useful file.
"Anonymous" from PC Mag comments. (The actual review was, of course, favourable. :thumb:)
Tbh, I was a bit "thrown" this morning, because when I switched-on the monitor, I found my desktop icons had mysteriously moved around during the night. Sounds potty, I know... but my clock had shifted from top right, to bottom right... there were gaps in my normally neat rows of shortcuts... and a notepad reminder had disappeared.

Obviously a re-start had occured, though goodness knows why, or why the icons had shifted around. I tend to have most things set to "ask" etc. Anyway, I was anxious to get BD up and running... just in case anything nasty had crept-in.
I cant remember without looking, but thought it had an option to 'Ignore' etc like most do?

Will check when i get home.
Mr Smug here says he's glad he didn't change to the new kid in town and stayed with MSE :cool: :p
Mr Smug2 has been running Bitdefender Internet security for last 1yr & all OK.
It does what it says it does on the cover of the DVD.
Oh i have the paid version £15 for 3 pc's, pity i only have 2!!!!!:lol: