I've got the following problem: I have a 16bit integer, and I want to get the value, that is represented by the last 13 bits, like that
XXX????????????? //I'm interested in all that is covered by '?
Additionally, I need to convert this value to integer. For all that, I wrote the following macro, but I'm not sure if it's working properly, so please have a look
#define OFFSET(offset) (offset & 0x1fff
This one should give me these 13 bits, correct
Thanks a lo
I've got the following problem: I have a 16bit integer, and I want to get the value, that is represented by the last 13 bits, like that
XXX????????????? //I'm interested in all that is covered by '?
Additionally, I need to convert this value to integer. For all that, I wrote the following macro, but I'm not sure if it's working properly, so please have a look
#define OFFSET(offset) (offset & 0x1fff
This one should give me these 13 bits, correct
Thanks a lo