Birthday Greetings Becky! :D


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Happy Birthday to you Becky,
Hope you are enjoying an awesome day!

Happy BIRTHDAY I hope you had a great day:cheers::cheers::thumb::thumb::thumb::dance::dance::dance:


Bit of a cheat and a tad late but it is the thought that counts :lol:
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! :thumb:

Sorry for the radio silence over the past few days. My mum died a few weeks back (cancer, she was 60) and it was her funeral on Friday. Very sad time, but it was actually really nice having the whole family together. Every cloud has a silver lining I guess! Had a party yesterday evening after we got back to Manchester and my friends have all been spoiling me :D
Happy 21st Becky.

Sorry to hear about your Mother, 60 is too young these days.
I think you might find retail therapy will help you to recover, more so if Ian pays and carry's the bags!!

My thoughts are with you.

That is a beautiful poem/song, as someone who has seen life and death very often a horrible death this poem brought tears to my eyes and I am not ashamed of it.
Very, very belated birthday greetings, Becky.

Sorry it's late but I've been away enjoying myself. :)
Happiest { though most belated } birthday wishes to you, Becky! :) :)