Biostar M7NCG 400 any reports?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fred
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Anyone have any experience with the Biostar M7NCG 400 MB? I have used the
VIG Pro before and found it to be a great inexpensive MB. I want to build
another system and want to try this new biostar board. Will the barton core
XP work with this? Thanks
Anyone have any experience with the Biostar M7NCG 400 MB? I have used the
VIG Pro before and found it to be a great inexpensive MB. I want to build
another system and want to try this new biostar board. Will the barton core
XP work with this? Thanks
Yeah it's great. Been running a 2500+ @ 3200+ 24/7 for months.
Hi AJ,

Can you tell us how you achieved that feast?
I have not made the plunge into O/C and would like
to better understand how it works. I have a 2500 with an Epox board and a
Thermaltake VOLCANO 9 COOLER.

Thanks in advance.
Hi AJ,

Can you tell us how you achieved that feast?
I have not made the plunge into O/C and would like
to better understand how it works. I have a 2500 with an Epox board and a
Thermaltake VOLCANO 9 COOLER.

Thanks in advance.

You need a good cooler like that, I have the Volcano 11+ on two of
these 2500+ Bartons. You need a good board that supports a 200/400 FSB
and PC3200 RAM. I raise the FSB in the BIOS as close to 200 as I can.
The RAM might be the first thing to give. You have to back it off if
it won't boot to Windows. On two A7N8X DLX boards I have the FSB at
197. That then shows up as a 3200+ when you boot up. Same with that
Biostar board. This is not an illusion. Sandra also reports that they
are 3200+. I run these boxes 100% CPU usage 24/7 fighting cancer. The
program UD rates these CPU's around 220. It gives a Pee4 1.5Ghz a 100
rating for comparison.
Whack yr fsb up from 166 to 200 on yr cpu if it can be run async. O
that board it should be possible from what I read. In fact, I'v
tracked down a Version 7.2 with all the bells and whistles to replac
this ASCock K7S41 if any1 wants to buy it from me? It's about a mont
old and rock solid but doesn't have a particularly nice bios ( it'
an AMI not Award
Rhythmeister said:
Whack yr fsb up from 166 to 200 on yr cpu if it can be run async. On
that board it should be possible from what I read. In fact, I've
tracked down a Version 7.2 with all the bells and whistles to replace
this ASCock K7S41 if any1 wants to buy it from me? It's about a month
old and rock solid but doesn't have a particularly nice bios ( it's
an AMI not Award)

You are aware that firmware is written by the mainboard manufacturer, right?
You might not like the BIOS, but you can hardly blame AMI for that. On that
same motherboard, you wouldn't like an Award BIOS much, either. -Dave