
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Here's a screen from SIW screenshot on my BIOS details :-

(Yes I don't know how to do a smaller thumbnail)

It lists 2003 as the date the BIOS was released, do I need to update?
Usually it's only advisable to do a BIOS update if you are having compatibility/stability issues - because updating your BIOS, if done incorrectly, has a high chance of permanently ruining your motherboard.

Also you cannot guarantee there won't be a power cut during the update which would leave the BIOS half-copied and result in ruined motherboard. It's a calculated risk and if you are having issues and the way to resolve is to update the BIOS, then go for it, otherwise if it ain't broken don't fix it
in some instances (lets say retros) where the bios is old, wouldnt a bios update increase performance?
Possibly - it depends on what the update is for - some updates can even reduce performance.

Always check and see exactly what the update is 'fixing' :nod:

There is no need to update your Bios unless you really need to, say for upgrading the CPU/memory etc where the current bios won't recognise it.