thanks.. I learn great things here.. I have even helped people with the
knowledge I have. .I still need help on certain issues.. but if it's
something I know I don't mind helping at all.. thanks Curt, Rainy ps that
was not my reason.. obviously I don't or I would not have gone almost 4
years.. lol but it did make me think..
That can happen in your friends case Rainy, but Shenan and David gave you
excellent advice.
Some people have an overwhelming urge to have the most current "anything",
but your BIOS should *not* necessarily be one of them.
Nothing can potentially turn a computer to "toast" quicker than a failed
BIOS flash.
Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...
| thanks.. decided to not do this..

thanks for the input.. hugs Rainy ps
| just for information, I recently posted a problem with my friends
| windows would not boot.. turned out the bios and her printer were not
| compatible.. so she updated and the problem went away..

| | Unless you need a feature provided by the newer version or are having
| problems an update may solve, there is no need to flash your BIOS. It is
| uncommon for BIOS dates to be years old, the latest non beta version for
| your board is from 2004 (never, ever use a beta BIOS unless you are
| with the pitfalls) they don't get updated regularly. Visit the Asus
| site for fixes, procedures, and availability of different versions.
| If your computer gets messed up in the process the blame is entirely on

| --
| ----
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| How to Post
| | > BIOS: Award Software, Inc. ASUS A7V8X-X ACPI BIOS Revision 1007
| > Windows XP
| > SP2
| >
| > Buy the date of my bios.. it is apparent to me that I need to update my
| > bios.. I have never done this, and don't know what to do even if I found
| > the
| > upgrade. I would appreciate step by step. so I don't mess up my
| >

Appreciate any help! thanks, Rainy
| >
| >