Hi all, trying to assemle PC from old bits lying around, I have a never used
gigabyte GA-7IX, tried 700mhz slot a athlon presumed faulty, board boots to
display processor ID string then nothing, tried working 600 athlon, PC boots
to display drive info correctly, says cmos checksum error, stops, then
whichever option I choose, to either enter setup or continue booting all I
get is cursor flashing at top of screen.
I am assuming that bios has become corrupted somehow.
Tried resetting cmos, still no good.
Cant boot to floppy to flash and cant change boot order obviously to access
Any ideas anyone, apart from bin it?
gigabyte GA-7IX, tried 700mhz slot a athlon presumed faulty, board boots to
display processor ID string then nothing, tried working 600 athlon, PC boots
to display drive info correctly, says cmos checksum error, stops, then
whichever option I choose, to either enter setup or continue booting all I
get is cursor flashing at top of screen.
I am assuming that bios has become corrupted somehow.
Tried resetting cmos, still no good.
Cant boot to floppy to flash and cant change boot order obviously to access
Any ideas anyone, apart from bin it?