e've got a phoenix bios in a dell dimension computer. We have the most
recent update for the bios from dell, however, a program called "bios agent
plus" (biosagentplus.com) claims to offer a further update - at a cost of
about $30.
A computer techie was saying that this isn't possible.
Would be interested in comments on this.
Biosagentplus site links to esupport.com
esupport links to Phoenix, for whatever that is worth.
Phoenix links to esupport, so at least they know about them.
Phoenix seems to have an "arms length" relationship to esupport.
In other words, if esupport stiffs you, Phoenix doesn't want to
hear about it.
On this page, Phoenix seems to be more closely related to BiosAgentPlus.
So you could be dealing with Phoenix (who bought Award a while back).
Of course, there is absolutely no reason to do this, as
the manufacturer of your computer is responsible for the
BIOS, and provides free upgrades when serious bugs
are identified. Imagine the level of support you'd
get for a BIOS that "falls off the back of a truck"

Imagine if your computer is bricked by the upgrade.
Etc. Etc.