I had the problem of my computer shutting down unexpectedly which i reported
. windows help advised that the problem might be in the bios between the
processors and the mothrboard and they recommended a bios upgrade. How do i
go about that?/
Go to your vendor's web site (if you bought a name brand like Dell or
Gateway) or go to the maker of your motherboard if your build your own
or had somebody build you a system. Be sure you have your exact make,
model and revision number which should be stamped on the motherboard.
Click the Windows Start button, type in 'system', then write down the
version of BIOS you currently have installed. If there is a newer
version, you may wish to install it. Some companies now provide a
automated means where downloading and installing a BIOS upgrade is as
simple as downloading and installing any software. Others require to
put the files on a floppy and flash from that.
The process of "flashing" your BIOS is straight forward enough, takes
at most a few minutes. However you shouldn't do it UNLESS you have a
specific reason. Don't flash your BIOS just because there is a newer
version. Unlike installing software, flashing your BIOS actually
rewrites the code contained in one of the chips on your motherboard.
The risk factor is maybe a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. The risk is if
something bad happends while you're flashing the BIOS, like a power
outage, or Windows hangs, you're in trouble. Otherwise a safe process.
If you decide to do it, NEVER stop in the middle. Once you start you
are committed and should never cancel once the process starts.