Bios Upgrade

Feb 11, 2006
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I have just upgrade a abit av8 mobo with bios 26 from 24 using flashmenu. It said the upgrade had load ok and to restart the computer. I restated it and it has locked up before the screen came on. It is giving a code on the mobo of C3. It will not boot up from a floppy. Any one any ideas what I can try next or is going to be a replacement chip.

av8 mobo
AMD 64 3000+ cpu
1 gb ram
phoenix bios
firstly why did you upgrade the BIOS ? second, was it the right one ?

if it's buggered then it will need to be sent away and re flashed, whether manufacturers do this or not im not sure
I upgrade because the version 26 gives improvements for video cards which I have had problems with, but thats water under the bridge whats done is done. The upgrade was carried out using abits flashmenu direct to abits web site so it will have to be the correct bios version as flashmenu links automatically and downloads the update.
if its the right one then it sounds like something went wrong during the flash or its corrupt :(, i'd be looking to get a new board