Erland Stig Bredgaard
I have been searching for some time now for a BIOS upgrade for my
antique ASUS motherboard PI55T2P4C (Crash problems in Windows
2000). So far, I have only been able to find some quite expensive
payment BIOS upgrade services, and it seems that ASUS does not
support this mainboard anymore. So, if anyone has a link (or the file)
for upgrading my BIOS I would be very grateful.
Data (according to BIOS Agent from www.esupport.com):
BIOS type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 12/10/96-82430HX-PI55T2P4C-00
Chipset: Intel Triton 430HX rev 3
OS: Win2000 ver. 5.0.2195, Service Pack 3
CPU: Cyrix 6x86 running at 133 MHz.
Please also tell me which flashing tool would be appropriate for
flashing this BIOS? And, I would be glad if anyone could provide
me with a guide for doing the operation (I never tried to flash a BIOS
Best regards,
Erland Stig Bredgaard
antique ASUS motherboard PI55T2P4C (Crash problems in Windows
2000). So far, I have only been able to find some quite expensive
payment BIOS upgrade services, and it seems that ASUS does not
support this mainboard anymore. So, if anyone has a link (or the file)
for upgrading my BIOS I would be very grateful.
Data (according to BIOS Agent from www.esupport.com):
BIOS type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 12/10/96-82430HX-PI55T2P4C-00
Chipset: Intel Triton 430HX rev 3
OS: Win2000 ver. 5.0.2195, Service Pack 3
CPU: Cyrix 6x86 running at 133 MHz.
Please also tell me which flashing tool would be appropriate for
flashing this BIOS? And, I would be glad if anyone could provide
me with a guide for doing the operation (I never tried to flash a BIOS
Best regards,
Erland Stig Bredgaard