BIOS update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alvin
  • Start date Start date


I cant get the right drivers for the CD to play 3D3 games
(from cd). Keep getting error couldn`t set emulation
mode. PLEASE advise on remendy for this hair pulling
problem. DELL comp. Demension XPS 400 series. I`ve
searched in to with same results
nada,nothing,big fat 0.This is a used comp. have installed
retail version of win XP HOME. Formatted hard drive before
instalation and did it all by reference from CD. device
manager says everything is working properly & no conflicts
Have you looked at the event viewer for any other clues? This error sounds
like it is referring to your display adapter. My guess is the emulation
mode is a 3D emulation. Do you have directx9 installed? Look for display
driver updates.

- Robert -
Go to the DELL site and get (at a minimum) their driver for your video card.
Very likely you will need their driver for the Motherboard chipset.
