Anyone know if there is a program I can use to change my BIOS so a
startup graphic loads and "covers" the BIOS info?
Award BIOS
startup graphic loads and "covers" the BIOS info?
Award BIOS
Chief said:Long ago, I used to have a freeware thingie that could rewrite to a BIOS
and cover over the 4-color max logo illustrations with another you had
in a paint program. I regret that I just cannot remember the name or source
it. But, this will serve to advise that there, at least, WAS such a
program once
upon a time. I cannot even guess that it would work with modern BIOS chips,
since this was back in the days of my 386. Thanks for nothing, I guess.
Will said:Some motherboards come with a Utility that will allow you to insert a BIOS
splash screen to cover all the boot info. You can usually press something
like TAB to view the scrolling info as per normal if you wish.
I remember changing mine to a bmp of my family photo and then losing the
program. I couldn't get it back to how it was even after resetting and
clearing the BIOS.
Boy was that computer hard to sell !!!!!
Lesson: Before you change anything make sure it is reversable.
John said:Sorry about the piggyback, but I didn't get the OP from my newsfeed.
I want just the opposite of what ©® wants. I hate the garish and
idiotic motherboard splash screen that I get every bootup, and would
much prefer seeing the boot info. I have an AMI BIOS and Gigabyte MB.
Ben said:I didn't get the original post, either.
John, if you have an Intel motherboard you might be able to use one of these
utilities at the Intel site-
"UPDATED Logo Utility: this utility for inserting a bitmap into the 8K user
flash area in the BIOS has been updated to support newer desktop boards
manufactured by Intel.
LOGO_UTL.EXE, 190297 bytes."
"Splash Screen Utility: utility for converting a 16-color .BMP file into a
format that can be embedded into the BIOS on Intel desktop boards that
support quiet boot. The image will be displayed during POST. This software
utility is provided as is, with no guarantee of operation.
SPLASH07.EXE, 52,116 bytes.
readme: SPLASH.TXT, 2,772 bytes."
I've haven't tried either of these so can't vouch for their reliability. Use
at your own risk.
John Corliss said:Ben,
It's an Intel chipset, but it's a Gigabyte motherboard, so it
probably wouldn't work. Thanks anyway though.
Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.
Will said:(snip)
I wouldn't dare try anything unless it's specifically for that BIOS or
packaged with the motherboard.
Imagine ditching a perfectly good motherboard because you stuffed up the
flashing job (and it can happen) just for the sake of inserting a picture
which is displayed for a few seconds on bootup.
My feelings exactly. However, rather than wanting to have a different
graphic at bootup, as I mentioned in my quote above, I want to
dispense with the picture altogether and be able to see the boot info.
Tim R. said:You sure there isn't a setting in the BIOS to turn it off? I know
Soltek has that feature, and I think I saw it on an MSI board I was
working on here the other day.
Maybe you can simply clear the BIOS by using the jumper to return it to
factory settings. Have you got an instruction book? Just make sure you read
the directions because I don't think you're supposed to do it with the
computer turned on.
Tim said:You sure there isn't a setting in the BIOS to turn it off? I know
Soltek has that feature, and I think I saw it on an MSI board I was
working on here the other day.