BIOS check error in Vista Ultimate

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On a Toshiba Tecra M4, that is already running Vista RC1 and already has the
BIOS verision 1.7 required to install Vista,

the release version of Vista incorrectly reports the need to update the BIOS
to 1.7 prior to installation.

How can this defect in the Vista Ultimate release version installer be
I don't know what Bios version is required for the Tecra M4 to install
Vista. I've been able to install any build of Vista Bios that was updated
for XP but not Vista, because there has been no Vista update offered, and
so have a couple hundred thousand or more other people.

Are you installing from a DVD start or from the XP desktop? If you are
installing from the XP desktop, try installing via a restart.

as stated, I do already have the correct BIOS installed on the Tecra, since I
do already have Vista RC1 installed.

Statements about Windows XP are pointless since that is not the issue and I
never had any problems with XP either.

Vista does have new problems/bugs.

One of them is this stupid problem where it says I don't have the 1.7
version of the BIOS even though I most certainly do.

Please only offer help if you KNOW what you are talking about.
Just install and see if there really is a problem. If you are not
comfortable doing that then contact the manufacturer to confirm that 1.7
will support Vista. The BIOS is OS agnostic anyway.

A search on this group and on the Vista general group shows hundreds of
answers from me and none from you.

It's hard as hell to know anything other than I typed, because of the hair
brained way you expressed yourself.

Simply put, your OP implies you are hung up installing Vista. Something
about the phrase " the need to update the BIOS to 1.7 prior to installation"
evokes that.

On a Toshiba Tecra M4, that is already running Vista RC1 and already has the
BIOS verision 1.7 required to install Vista,

the release version of Vista incorrectly reports the need to update the BIOS
to 1.7 prior to installation.

10/10 people who help regularly on these groups (you aren't one) would read
your OP that you are running into a snag when you try to install Vista. I
didn't make any post to you regarding Win XP. I just made the point that a
few hundered thousand Vista users that included TBTs, MSDN, Technet, CPP,
and TAP users were able to use every build of Vista from July 05 through RTM
without touching a bios update on every form factor on the planet.

Other than that--I'd read up on How to Ask A Question

There is an old adage mommy didn't teach you, so crawl back up on her knee
and see if you can get burped. "Don't piss on potential help--it's not
going to get your question answered."

I have no trouble setting up Vista on any machine someone can show me..
Obviously you have a problem and the bigger one in the way of solving it is

LOL Colin

I may not be able to solve every problem on these groups, but I have a
pretty good sense of when the OP posted a screwy, misleading, rambling, and
unclear question that doesn't get improved by pissing on the help.

The OP just insisted to me in an insulting way I might add that he/she/it
already has Vista installed on the Tecra which raises the question "What the
hell was he posting about in the first place" not to mention the point that
the BIOS is OS agnostic.

He/She/It is also not posting any problem that would suggest the bios is
interfeering with any OS.

It's times like these that I always feel great about the fact I can solve
most problems as to Vista or XP setiup and the OP can't whatever it's
problem is.

The OP is using the time he/she/it needs to take composing a relevant 3rd
grade level sentence or googling to solve its problem.


These forums help a lot of people but congenital jerks have problems getting
help--get someone to draw and run a "serum moron/jerk" level on you. I bet
it's off the wall. You didn't get much help with the congenital disorder in
the parenting department either and it may well be way the hell too late.

Um do you mind pasting in the link and content for this source material?

2) "You apparently can't read either since my original post made this clear
enough for the technical expert peers that I work with daily out in the
world" ROFLMAO I bet your collegues would be delighted to hear your
mornic questions then. Why haven't you gotten off of that fat inert ass and
had them answer it? Why slum here with all the "no-help fake

You're blowing smoke out your ass. People who consistently help here don't
have the need to post something. They could drool in the corner with
notepad and let their dog alternate keystrokes and mouse clicks.

I am surpried at your chutzpah though, with no substance to back it up.
You're lecturing about who should post and your phrasing of your question is
so stupidly inadequate that if I had an 6- year old kid who wrote as poorly
as you--I'd put the kid up for adoption because I'd reason that I had failed
after that long.

Production release Vista from MSFT in Redmond Washington isn't "claiming"
that it needs a particular Bios, and it's your job to get with Toshiba to
see what they might have going on. You're blaming MSFT in your original
goofey nebulous disjointed post for what is clearly a liv-m problem. Liv-m
needs to get help using his Toshiba Tecra for openers. Liv-m needs to get
remedial help on how to 'craft' a question.

Where the hell is your source for this garbage? Crazy liv typed:

"1. Vista RC1 required BIOS 1.7 to install, so I updated BIOS to 1.7.

2. Now production release Vista claims that it needs BIOS 1.7, but since 1.7
is already installed, obviously Vista is WRONG."

And LOL your source for this garbage is precisely where?

If you're talking about a Tecra Bios 1.7 situation, take it to a Tecra forum
and get your daddy or big brother to help you with the question:

I can take that Toshiba PC and fire up Vista on it in less than a half hour.
If you want a response from Microsoft, lol why don't you write them. This
isn't a place where MSFT hangs out. Thousands of softies have MSDN and
Technet blogs that deal with hardware. All of them have contact links. Get
off your lazy ass and contact them.

Oh and you're definitely right about my problem with reading. I've bluffed
my way through life as an illiterate. Your ability to articulate is
dazzling though. One more child left behind in the US of A.

"We even had Beta2 running very smoothly on this same Tecra."

You need to

1) Stop poluting these threads.
2) Buy Vistah when you can after January 30.
3) Call someone like Best Buys in those cute little VWs--the people some of
us help all the time on chats to make a house call and hand them the Vista
you want on that box.
4) Or else could you not reach all those competent collegues you boasted of
in the real world?

"You apparently can't read either since my original post made this clear
enough for the technical expert peers that I work with daily out in the real

Yep technical expert peers that you work with definitely ring the bell on
the "Wow factor." LOL They've done real well with whateverthehell is your

5) "Can this defect in the Vista Ultimate release version installer be
bypassed?" There is no defect in Vista Ultimate that's in your way--Get a
good neurlogical workup and then get the neurologist to refer you to a

I never intimated or said I was infallible. I was making an effort to help
you. However your question is just plain goofey, and you keep ascribing
qualities to Vista RTM that have nothing to do with it.

In a fraction of the time you've wasted trying to empty your bladder on me,
you could have posted on a Toshiba forum, called Toshiba, gotten some
competent help (you're definitely in the epicenter of someone who needs a
competent tech or engineer to sit down and fix whatever you can't at your
pc) or get those supurlative collegues of yours you bragged on to be done
with this.

If you're having a problem with Toshiba, take it the hell to a Toshiba

You've been asked several times to documnent where in the hell Vista or MSFT
is "saying" what you claim it's saying--and I mean where in a link or where
in a message that Windows is giving you. Why haven't you in all these inane
posts, simply quoted the message(s) you claim are coming from Microsoft and

I didn't read when you read "a short, simple post", instead I read a jumbled
mess of stream of consciousness that none of us can extrapolate into a

Your problem besides being systemically with "ilv-m" and his arrogance and
abbusive tone towards those trying to help him, is that you are displacing a
Toshiba -ilv-m problem onto MSFT and the Vista teams.

"According to Vista RC1, the BIOS message on Vista Ultimate release rev, &

"The final release version says that it needs BIOS 1.7 to proceed."

Really? Where does RTM "say" this?

Well then, coupled with the quintissentially competent peers you work with,
this should have never been a problem.

You are going to continue to have this problem well into the Blackcomb Beta
time frame as goofily as you are dealiing with it. LOL And I'm enjoying
every minute of your problem.

It's just the tip of the iceberg in a panoply of problems in your life.


Download and install the latest BIOS update (version 3.1.0) available from Toshiba:

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



On a Toshiba Tecra M4, that is already running Vista RC1 and already has the
BIOS verision 1.7 required to install Vista,

the release version of Vista incorrectly reports the need to update the BIOS
to 1.7 prior to installation.

How can this defect in the Vista Ultimate release version installer be
You aren't doing your credibility any favors by implying that Vista RTM is
bug-free while those who are encountering bugs and needing work-arounds that
you simply don't know happen to be wrong. How idiotic. Just go away and
bother someone else.
Either you know how to bypass the incorrect BIOS check and you can make
a useful contribution to the original question, or you can go away.

You seem to irate to be older than 14, so perhaps you need
permission to continue your internet usage.
Thanks for mentioning BIOS 3.1.0.

We have been aware of the update. The drivers that we use with Vista RC1 on
the Tecra came from the same vicinity on the Toshiba support web site.

Our concern here is more general to find a solid work-around to Microsoft's
VISTA BIOS check so that it does not trip up customer upgrades the same way
that it has annoyed us with a contradictory error message on the Toshiba
Tecra. We have reviewed significant instances of similar experiences on the
internet with the erroneous BIOS check problem that forced people to scrap
their current Windows Vista setup and start all over again with a clean
install. For many customer, it just isn't work the cost & the requirement for
an install from scratch becomes an abort for a wave of OS upgrades.

If no one in the various places we are looking provides a work-around for
Vista's BIOS check that works during an upgrade install, we will be
installing that BIOS update and proceeding.

If even that doesn't work, we know that a clean install booting from the
Vista install DVD will bypass the silly BIOS check. It's crazy for Microsoft
to be so picky for in-place upgrades when letting installs sail past any
checking on a clear install. If any BIOS really is a problem, then they
should be checking the same way in both cases.

The fact that the BIOS check approves installs when booting from DVD seems
to indicate that Vista's upgrade installer that must run under an existing
Windows instance is tripping over itself. The fact that the BIOS check
produces a contradictory error message is further evidence that it was never
able to make a proper evaluation of the BIOS revision while running under an
existing Windows instance, so in that case, the BIOS check is programmed to
assume an invalid BIOS version.

Clearly, that approach is defective since it causes customers with
completely up-to-date equipment a bunch of unnecessary problems.
Vista's installer spits out the BIOS check dialogs that are system-specific.

The BIOS check system works correctly for clean installs from DVD boot
media, but malfunctions during upgrade installs.

Is it so hard to understand why we would want the option to bypass a faulty
function like that?

Since you don't have a similar system on hand, you would never have
encountered the same error message because the same condition would not have
been present for your Vista installations.

So kindly wipe the rabid foam from your mouth.
You erred. So what. Get over it.

Below a quote from you:
"For this Tecra M4, allowing Vista to control PnP worked fine for Vista RC1.

According to Vista RC1, the BIOS message on Vista Ultimate release rev, &
Toshiba, all stipulate that Tecra M4 BIOS 1.7 supports Vista.

All other systems updated from RC1 to Vista Ultimate-released went very,
very smoothly. "

The diference, today you are describing new not-before experienced conflicts.

Vista, continueouslly improves, what worked with RC 1 may not function with
the current Vista release, just a thought from experience.


Just a thought for you pondering, *not* advice, will you consider loosening
your cork just a bit, in respect to your current Post?

Again, just asking, not offering advice.

All your previous Posts fully define your factual knowledge, specifically
regarding Vista !

Just as we suspected, Toshiba has withdrawn the very BIOS update that Vista
requires to install on the Tecra M4. They have no ETA on when a stable BIOS
update that supports Vista will become available.

So even though Toshiba claims to support Vista on the Tecra M4, and Toshiba
claims that the BIOS 1.7 that is already installed does support Vista RTM,
there is no way to get the Vista RTM installed until there is a way to bypass
the defective code in Vista RTM installer that says it needs BIOS later than
1.7--which does not exist as of now.

Thanks so much Microsoft!
....And as a result of the stupid BIOS check BUG in RTM Windows Vista, it
became necessary to finally wipe down our test-bed Toshiba Tecra M4 and
install Vista Ultimate from scratch off our Microsoft partner distribution.

It only took 5 hours to get our testing environment back to what it was with
Vista RC1. At least the upgrades from RC1 to RTM went smoothly on all the
other testing systems.

On upgrade, Vista claims that the BIOS >>can't<< work, but on boot from the
distro DVD, it doesn't care, installs perfectly, and runs perfectly. How
unbelievably stupid. Please Vista developers, do get a clue!

Is it any wonder that only a small fraction of Windows customers chose to
upgrade their PCs to newer Windows releases. Microsoft has only themselves
to blame given all of the completely unecessary trouble they have caused
their upgrading customers.