Just been Googling on this, due to yesterday fitting a PEAK AGP 8x GeForce
6200 256mb ddr2 graphics card to my brothers PC.
....sort of explains BIOS "AGP Aperture Size"
The leaflet that came with the PEAK card reccommended a 4mb aperture ?
I've got a PNY GeForce 6200 card in my PC, and I think I have a pretty large
aperture set.
I don't play games as such, I may, every couple of weeks, spend the odd ten
minutes or so with Far Cry just to look at the graphics, and the water
lapping at the shores !
Any views on AGP Aperture Size ?
regards, Richard
6200 256mb ddr2 graphics card to my brothers PC.
....sort of explains BIOS "AGP Aperture Size"
The leaflet that came with the PEAK card reccommended a 4mb aperture ?
I've got a PNY GeForce 6200 card in my PC, and I think I have a pretty large
aperture set.
I don't play games as such, I may, every couple of weeks, spend the odd ten
minutes or so with Far Cry just to look at the graphics, and the water
lapping at the shores !
Any views on AGP Aperture Size ?
regards, Richard