
  • Thread starter Thread starter Ruben Alves
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Ruben Alves


i have a form bounded to a DataSet and i have several combobox's in the

when i use
Bc.Position = Bc.Position + 1
it moves to the next record in the DataSet, and all the combobox's that are
bound to other tables in the dataset are updated too.

problem is when the bc.position = 0 (first record) is selected the textbox's
are updated correctly the combobox's are displaying the first record of the
bonded table and not the value that is in in that record.

is there i am missing?

Hi Ruben,

Ruben Alves said:

i have a form bounded to a DataSet and i have several combobox's in the

when i use
Bc.Position = Bc.Position + 1
it moves to the next record in the DataSet, and all the combobox's that are
bound to other tables in the dataset are updated too.

You do realise that you are binding against DataTable and not DataSet,
When you change position you change it only for one DataTable.
What is Bc anyway?
problem is when the bc.position = 0 (first record) is selected the textbox's
are updated correctly the combobox's are displaying the first record of the
bonded table and not the value that is in in that record.

Hard to tell without more info.
How are you binding controls?
i have a dataset with 5 tables
"Registos" - Master Table

i have 1 combobox for each tables in the form and some texbox's.
each combobox is bonded to the table "Registos" and gets the list from a
diferent table.
The other tables are related tables (like ID, EmpName) and than just use the
ID to relate the data (Foreign Key)
System.Windows.Forms.Binding("SelectedValue", Me.DsRegistos1,

Me.ComboBox1.DataSource = Me.DsRegistos1.CLIENTES

Me.ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "NOME"

Me.ComboBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(112, 32)

Me.ComboBox1.Name = "ComboBox1"

Me.ComboBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(344, 21)

Me.ComboBox1.TabIndex = 28

Me.ComboBox1.ValueMember = "ID"

then i aded the code

Dim bc As BindingManagerBase

bc = Me.BindingContext(DsRegistos1, "REGISTOS")

and i have code to move the bc.position

if the bc.position is 0 the the "SelectedValue" of the combobox is 0 and if
the bc.position is other value the foreign key is selected right.

it is strange.

i am to English - bad writing !