binding unbound controls

  • Thread starter Thread starter rob warning
  • Start date Start date

rob warning


on a Continuous form I display a rectangle control in the Detail section,
the left and width propertys of this control bind to a value from the
underlaying datasource like this.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.box1.Left = Me!start
Me.box1.Width = Me!length
End Sub

The outcome of this is a continues list with all the same rectangles that al
changes shape when you step trough the records. and that is of course not
what I want!
So my question is how can I graphicly (with a bar or so) display values in
each record in a continues form?

many thanks in advance.

Rob Warning
I am not sure I understand. Do you want a bar that is the largest at the
end of the recordset and the smallest when you are at the beginning of the
