Binding textboxes to dataset relationship

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I have 2 textboxes. Each show a field from a different table (2 tables). The dataset has a relationship defined. I want my navigation button to navigate through the records. So that when the record in one table is selected, the textboxes bound to the other table change accordingly

Also, there might not be a relationship associated between the tables for certain records

any ideas?
Hi mark,

From my understanding, Your scenario is like you have a two tables in
master-detail relationship, you would like to bind a control to the parent
table to let user select a certain record, then show the child rows in some
textbox one record a time and let them navigate through the child rows.
If I misunderstood your problem, please feel free to let me know.

Based on my research, since you have defined a relation ship between these
two tables, you may Bind the "Text" property of the TextBoxes to
"DataSet - DataTable\DataRelation\PropertyName",

Then when you change the parent row, the child rows will changed
automatically, the content in the textboxes will be reset to the first
record of the child rows. You can navigate the child rows collection by
changing the Position property of the BindingManagerBase class on that
Here is a short snippet for navigating to the next record:

BindingManagerBase bm =
if (bm.Count == bm.Position + 1) {
bm.Position += 1;
else {
button1.Enabled = false;

By the way, to reset the navigation state, maybe you need add an event
handler to
BindingManagerBase.PositionChanged of your parent BindingManagerBase object.

Does it solve your problem?
Please feel free to reply this thread, if you have anything unclear about
this issue.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft community Support
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Sorry, a typo in the snippet, should be :
BindingManagerBase bm =
if (bm.Count == bm.Position + 1) {
button1.Enabled = false;
bm.Position += 1;

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft community Support
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Yes, I do have two tables, SubjectData (Parent) and Orders (Child). However, I want to be able to navigate through the orders. There may be Orders with no SubjectData associated. There may also be more than one Order for a single row of SubjectData. The Orders coorespond to frames on film. So Orders must be sequential. But not all the subjects will be on the film

I bind to Orders like this
tbRecNum.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", Me.dsJobData, "Orders.RecID")

And to SubjectData like this
newTb.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", Me.dsJobData, "SubjectData.Firstname")

I navigate through the records like this
Me.BindingContext(Me.dsJobData, "Orders").Position +=

But this of course only updates the textboxes that represent Order data. My Relation ship is created like this
ds.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("OrdersToSubjects", ds.Tables(2).Columns("RecID"), ds.Tables(1).Columns("RecID"))) 'Table 2 being SubjectData and 1 being Order

Thank you for your time. I hope this clarifies. I get very confused with this Textbox binding, but that is what the app calls for
Hi mark,

Let me understand your problem again.
You want to navigate in the Orders table and show the corresponding
SubjectData for the current row in Orders table. And The Orders table have
records that have no corresponding row in the SubjectData table. Based on
my research, databinding doesn't support this scenario.

Before researching on how to resolve this issue, could you give me some
more information on the datatable( such as the keys on the two tables etc).
I'd also like to confirm the detail relation between these two tables:
1: every Order has no more than one SubjectData.
2: is there a situation that an SubjectData row exists, but has no related

Another thought on this issue would be define a new DataTable which
contains all the column you need then join these two table when filling the
Suppose you have the table definition like below:

2. SubjectID
3. OrderInfo
Then the SQL command to get the data would be

Select OrderID, Subject , SubjectID, Orderinfo from SubjectData, Orders
where SubjectData.SubjectID = Orders.SubjectID

Note since you joined two tables, you need also provide the
Insert/Delete/Update SQL command to enable these function on the datatable.

Then all data are in one table, the databinding would be easy.

Is this a possible resolution?

If you have anything unclear on this issue please feel free to reply this
thread to let me know.


Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft community Support
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RecID Firstname Lastname Address..

OrderID RecID Sequence Roll Frame Package1 Quantity1 Package2...

Yes, there will be SubjectData that does not have an Order
There will be Orders (cooresponding to Frames on Film) that may not have SubjectData. New Orders do not have their SubjectData (RecID) set yet. Some Orders will be Slates, blank frames that we need to keep a record of, thus no SubjectData record

As far as updating. The user may need to update either the record in the SubjectData table, Order table, or both.
Hi mark,

From your description, as far as I know, databinding could not help in this
You need write addintion code to set the parent table to the corresponding
data row.
Ofcourse, databinding will still be helpful to sync data between controls
and there source tables.

I think you may try handling the PositionChanged event of the Orders table
CurrencyManager, then manually set the position of the SubjectData table to
the correct row, Here is a simple sample to show this idea, it's far from
complete you need also handle some other events to make it work
correctly.However I hope it will show you the idea about this way.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//set the sort order in order to use Find on DataView
dataSet12.SubjectData.DefaultView.Sort = "RecID ASC";
BindingContext[dataSet12,"Orders"].PositionChanged +=new

private void Form1_PositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRowView dvr = BindingContext[dataSet12,"Orders"].Current as
BindingManagerBase bm = BindingContext[dataSet12,"SubjectData"];

//check if the primary key exists in the DataTable,
//if yes, simply set position to that row
//if not, currently I use a simple workaround by always add an empty row
and set
//the position to that row
int ret = dataSet12.SubjectData.DefaultView.Find(dvr["RecID"]);

if (ret != -1)
bm.Position = ret;
bm.Position = bm.Count -1;

Hope it helps!

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft community Support
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Textbox for Child data instead of datagridview

Hey, Can I use textboxes to show child data in Seems that we can only use datagridview for child. Ben