Binding Problem on VC++ 6.0 with SP5

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1.Binding Problem on VC++ 6.0 with SP5:

When i use (ldap_bind_s ) or (ldap_simple_bind_s ) for binding with active
directory with Another user Credentials (Another user is a SYSTEM Account
),it won't work and give me "SERVER DOWN ".The development enviroment is
visual c++6.0 with SP5.

2.Binding Problem on DOTNET
When i use (ldap_bind_s ) or (ldap_simple_bind_s ) for binding with active
directory with Another user Credentials (Another user is a SYSTEM Account )
it bind the user with active directory and perform all the operation on
directory successfully.this time development envi

i cannot understand that by just changing the development environment from
DOTNET to VC++6.0 (ldap_bind_s )won't work
You should give more info here. What do you mean by it is a "SYSTEM Account"?

You should also give the actual code sequence.

While your Question What do you mean by it is a "SYSTEM Account"?.
Anwser : "malikhan" is a login name of account having Administrative,Schema
Admin Previledges.By specifying "SYSTEM Account" i just want to specify that
account have Administrative,Schema Admin Previledges and nothing more.
Actual code sequece is given below.

The Sample Code is given Below
The parameters used in code has folowing values
HostName = "test"
portNo = 389
AuthString = "malikhan" // user loginname
AuthString = "" // Domain Name
WinPass= "secret" // user loginname

Actual Code is Given Below :

psLdap = ldap_init( HostName, PortNo);

if( psLdap != NULL )

const PCHAR pszUserName = (const PCHAR)AuthString;
const PCHAR pszDomainName=(const PCHAR)DomainDotCom ;
const PCHAR pszPassword = (const PCHAR)WinPass;


sIdentity.User = ( unsigned char* )pszUserName;
sIdentity.UserLength = strlen( pszUserName );
sIdentity.Domain = ( unsigned char* )pszDomainName;
sIdentity.DomainLength = strlen( pszDomainName );
sIdentity.Password = ( unsigned char* )pszPassword;
sIdentity.PasswordLength = strlen( pszPassword );

uErr = ldap_bind_s(
( const PCHAR )&sIdentity,