binding a field more than once on a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christopher Glaeser
  • Start date Start date

Christopher Glaeser

Suppose a form has five tabs, and suppose one field is relevant for two of
the tabs but is not relevant for the other three tabs and therefore should
not be place on the parent part of the form. What happens if a field is
bound on two tabs? Will this cause any errors?

Quick term check.
A field is where data is stored in a table. A control (Text box, combo box,
list box, etc) appears on a form and can be bound to a field in the form's
underlying table or query. There are not fields on forms.

To answer your question
There should be no problem with multiple controls being bound to the same
field. They will require different names. When you first add a bound
control, say by dragging from the field list, it is named to match the
field, subsequent additions will be given an arbitrary name. You will need
to note each name if you plan on referencing them in code.

Another solution is to display the control 'on top' of the tab control. Add
the control to the form outside the tab control and then drag it over the
tab control. It will appear no matter what tab you are on. If you need to
hide it for some tabs, that can be done in code by checking the tab's page
name on the click event.

Tony Vrolyk