Cor Ligthert said:
In one of the trolling message from Tom is this link, it describes fine
what I want to say.
Cor: You have been decidedly more rude in the past year than I have ever
seen you before. You're intolerant of others and you resort to name calling
when somebody disagrees with whatever outlandish thing you post. You
quickly brand people as trolls or thieves or addicts or worse and frankly
it's getting boring.
I've included just some of the messages where you suggest another developer
has never used the IDE, claim they think the Earth is flat, mention Hitler,
bring up Christianity, call people trolls and tell others to not write about
politics as you write about politics, sociology and religion.
I am certain everybody is impressed with your ability to repost my answers
and I'm equally certain that everyone here can read. I posted a reply that
included some of the probable causes of the file size discrepancy and I
posted links so people could read facts (rather than opinions) about
Unicode. You on the other hand contributed little to the conversation
except to start calling people names (as you often do) when they disagree
with what largely turns out to be your incorrect guess.
Importantly I need to you stop denigrating me. If you want to point out
where I miscoded something or feel the need to point out any other fact
please do so but do not make me out to be an addict, a troll or any other
thing that is somehow less than you. I am not something less than Cor
Ligthert and I won't have you making things up to satisfy your childish
needs in a public forum.
Please keep your opinions about me to yourself. Thank you.
I have the idea that you have never used the VB.Net IDE. Just looked at some
blogs that the world is flat and therefore it is in your opinion flat.
Now you are probably telling something uninvestigated in this newsgroup,
just looking at the language specifications..
Hitler had a National Socialistic Party.
The word Socialistic had (almost) nothing to do with his party (slightly it
has and you can even debate about it).
This is equivalent for me with the static/shared class, which is no class,
until you have a complete nation behind you which is indoctrinated.
Maybe a simpler one for those not so well informed about politics in Europe.
Because somebody calls a dog a horse, does not make that a dog is a horse
although a dog has four legs.
Be wise do not let you bring to use this newsgroup for a politic discussion.
Just ignore it,
The technologies is not the most important.
Let me take this time not a analogy with cars.
One of the first inventions from human was fire and how to make meat
consumable for humans, it seems that it was the start of their spread over
the world.
We still eat meat and still use in a way fire for that. However we do it
much more hygienic, a reason why we life much longer now.
I did know you as a nice guy, being busy with VB.Net. It is striking now
that you act as a C# adict.
.... etc.
You probably start telling now that nobody knows what the interfaces or the
base classes are. If a VB.Net programmer or a C# programmer does not know
which classes implement by instance the IList or does not know that TextBox
inherits from Control than they should fast go learn that (here was another
With writting those word at the beginning of your message you are bringing
for me every true Christian in discredite, who has given you the right to
write that, for sure not Jezus Christus, because he died to fight against
what you wrote.
Your words are very insulting and therefore probably 100% responsible for
the killing of not responsible persons from whatever nation or religion
(with the first goal of course Americans). Please keep your terrorists
feeding words out of this newsgroup.
Before you think that I am afraid by terrorists. Yes I am, but I don't see
them as a part of a religion or whatever, they are for me from the same
order as you.
I forgot to answer you about the contracts and things like that. Try to read
something about Deterding, one of the major founders of the Royal Dutch
Shell and contracts. (Royal Dutch Shell is a Dutch oil trading company).
You may be an MVP, but this statement reveals a huge gap in your
knowledge of what reflection is and can be used for.
If you do this statement, than tell in about 10 words what reflection is,
your current text can be done by any child older than 10 and shows that you
have at least the knowledge of that, not more.
In my opinion do you completely confirm what I wanted to say.
Let me try to say it in other words, delegates and reflections are in my
opinion no benefits, they can (are) sometimes be needed when the program
language does not give you more for (normal) humans better understandable
and readable options for that.
I assume that VB Net is more OOP than C++ and C#. As I read these newsgroups
than VB Net programmers become at a certain moment more converming the
rules, while for C++ and C# programmers probably old C rules are for them as
well OOP.
However it is as well usable while ignoring that.
(There are 6 million programmers probably converting you know, a little bit
more than with other languages).
AS you ask for Best Practice than you don't definitly not need a test to see
if your connection is open.
You control your program, so you know if it is open or not and can close it
therefore at the right time without any error.
I would not say it your way, however I agree with you that it seems that
Microsoft is more and more busy hunting the next never to use solution, than
making the ones that have proven themselves to be needed really working for
100% correct.
Just my opinion.