Freddy Coal
Hi, I'm recovery data from an spectrum analizer, the equipment send me data
in binary, each data in the trace have 4 bytes, I would like convert that to
double, how make that?.
I'm trying extract the data in substrings of 4 chars, and convert this with
Cdbl(my substring), but I get an InvalidCastException in the conversion.
Example of the spectrum data:
How transform substrings of 4 bytes in a double number?.
Thanks in advance.
Freddy Coal
in binary, each data in the trace have 4 bytes, I would like convert that to
double, how make that?.
I'm trying extract the data in substrings of 4 chars, and convert this with
Cdbl(my substring), but I get an InvalidCastException in the conversion.
Example of the spectrum data:
How transform substrings of 4 bytes in a double number?.
Thanks in advance.
Freddy Coal