Here is an interesting way for students to get familiar with binary numbers.
I wrote this program as a learning experience, with the thought of using it
at the science museum where I worked. Didn't have occasion to include in any
exhibits yet. It is played like the familiar seven-stack solitaire game, but
has binary numbers on the cards from 0000 to 1010, (1 to 10 decimal). I've
made this downloadable.
Here is an interesting way for students to get familiar with binary numbers.
I wrote this program as a learning experience, with the thought of using it
at the science museum where I worked. Didn't have occasion to include in any
exhibits yet. It is played like the familiar seven-stack solitaire game, but
has binary numbers on the cards from 0000 to 1010, (1 to 10 decimal). I've
made this downloadable.