I currently have a database set up with one table of agents, one of
households, and one with actual accounts within the housholds. In the past
we sent the agent the bill for their respective household accounts. Now we
have more then one sales person being charged for one set of houshold
accounts, say a 50/50 split. Before it was one agent to multiple households
to multiple accounts, so I could sent a bill to an agent that showed the
houshold accounts they were being billed on. Now it's one household with
multiple agents and accounts. We currently have thousands of records, so
creating a new database would not be an option. Does anyone have any
suggestion on changing this to show an invoice to the agent with a percentage
of the fee and send another agent their percentage of the invoice?
households, and one with actual accounts within the housholds. In the past
we sent the agent the bill for their respective household accounts. Now we
have more then one sales person being charged for one set of houshold
accounts, say a 50/50 split. Before it was one agent to multiple households
to multiple accounts, so I could sent a bill to an agent that showed the
houshold accounts they were being billed on. Now it's one household with
multiple agents and accounts. We currently have thousands of records, so
creating a new database would not be an option. Does anyone have any
suggestion on changing this to show an invoice to the agent with a percentage
of the fee and send another agent their percentage of the invoice?