Bill Gates been raiding the high schools for programming talent again

  • Thread starter Thread starter Woody Brison
  • Start date Start date

Woody Brison

IE 6.0.2800.1106CO saves picture files to the wrong extension.
The problem is not the same as is covered in any problem reports
I've been able to locate.

Say I want to save a picture that appears on a web page. I
right click over the pic and IE tries to save it as
"01_float_return_ap.jpe". It is not any kind of file made
for the Journal of Applied Ecology, nor does it have anything
to do with Java Partner Engineering. Nor is it in Japanese.
It's a simple jpeg picture!! Netscape 4.61 correctly saves
it as "01_float_return_ap.jpg", why can't IE?

The kind of advice I've seen handed out, to just edit the file
name and change the extension, is moronic. This is not a useful
feature we are talking about here, it's an irritating, time-
wasting, any-dolt-should-have-caught-it-in-B-test BUG.

And your Windows version is...?

....1106.CO denotes a Corporate Administrator-customized version of IE, which
may or may not have anything to do with your problem.

260650 - Internet Explorer Does Not Save Graphics Files in the Proper Format
(Fix: Delete TIF; Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" in IE Tools
... > Advanced);en-us;260650

WinXP only:

JPE/JPG/JPEG Association Fix (Restore the default associations for
jpe/jpg/jpeg files)

Also see: