big Win2K server update help




I have been asked to check a Win2K Server system and have discovered
that it hasn't had any updates since SP2. It is behind a firewall etc ..
but that's no excuse.

I am going to do an update on it, but it is a critical machine running
exchange and I have read the horror stories about the update to SP4 in

I want to make sure I have done everything possible so I can recover the
system in the event that the update doesn't work.

Could I ask for some advice on preparations to do before I do the
update. e.g. Full backup. Recovery disk ?

I need to see what is available from the original install. Is it
possible to created a recovery CD from a machine without having the
original install CDs ?

Any advice/help appreciated



Make sure you have the copy of WIN2K that was used to
install the server, then make a backup of every file on
the system (if you can). That why if something goes wrong
you can format the system and restore from the backup and
you should be back to where you are now. After you have
the backup (two might be a good idea) install SP4 and then
all the critical updates. You might also want to update
Exchange at the same time. When downloading SP4 get the
complete install and not the express install as this will
protect you from internet prblems during the install.


Paul's right. But don't just try, *do it*.

Buy a copy of Norton Ghost 2002. Buy a big HDD and connnect it
somehow, maybe you need a PCI IDE card for $20. run ghost. That's
the best backup I know of.

Backing up files can be tricky because there are multi-language and
uicode filename issues depending on what OS you use for the backup
target. Ghost resolves those issues and will let you quickly restore
your image.


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