Big Problems with .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

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We have had 3 developers scrambling to fix problems with ASP.NET applications
after installing Framework 1.1 SP1.

In all cases the applications were working prior to installing the update.

The first problem was that ASP.NET postback functions stopped working.
Clicking a button on a page with a RequiredFieldValidator does nothing now.
No postback. Replacing the
"aspnet_client\system_web\1_1_4322\WebUIValidation.js" file with the old
version seems to have fixed this problem.

The second problem was with an ASP.NET Mobile Toolkit based application for
cellular phones. The RedirectFromLoginPage method of the FormsAuthentication
class stopped working. Again, replacing the client JavaScript with the
earlier version solved the problem.

We are still working on a fix for the third problem related to another
ASP.NET application with several field validator objects in a form that will
no longer post back.

Be very cautious if you are installing this so-called (by Microsoft)
"critical update."
Did you test it first before rollout on production boxes? Just curious to
see how many people do that without testing apps first.
In a previous live, I was admin on large unix and nt boxes. After some
pain, I learned that no update should be applied before testing all critical
apps. Anyway, you probably have this already, but create a Model
environment that models production and Test environment. Admins should
apply to Test first in there own play ground. After that works, apply to
Model and have others sign off that all apps work before rolling to
Production. That said, the roll to Production is not gaureenteed to work
either, but at least you take the steps and reduce the odds. Just some
random thoughts. Cheers.
I've noticed that any web forms with validation controls will not postback.
No validation controls - no problem. The jscript files seem to not be quite
right. The controls still validate, but the form just won't submit.
Oh - I forgot - I rolled my version of the framework back to 1.1 pre sp1 and
everything works fine. Just uninstall the framework and re-install 1.1
either the redistributable or the full sdk.
