Big Problem with Excel 2000 / 2003


don H. Lee

Hi Newsgroup

I have a problem and I don't know how to handle.

I have received a File from a friend which was originally made in Excel
2000. I have 2003 installed.

For some updates I made the following function in his file:

Public Function DateAsText(d As Variant) As String
DateAsText = Format(d, "")
End Function

In the Excel Cells i use this function like '=DateAsText(AC256) several

So. On my PC everything works fine. But when I send it to my friend to try
he has big errors because his excel can't find the command Format...

So I tried this on a PC with office 2000 installed and didn't get this file
opened because excel every time has fatal errors.

Then I deactivated Macros for having a look what happens. Following
situation is given:

When I use the file of my friend and opening VBA-Editor for research i found
out that intellisense don't work and the function Format is not supported (I
have macros activated)???
But on the same machine, when I open Excel and create a function like
written above intellisense works fine and the function is supported.

Is there a problem with the file, format or has someone an idea how to
handle this?

Thanks alot.

Best regards

D. H. Lee


How arre you transfering the file between you computer and your friends
computer? If you are e-mailing the file there may be a firewall that is
disabling some of the excel functionality. Try moving the file beween
computers by using a memory stick raather than e-mail.

Dave Peterson

Open the workbook with the problem (on the problem PC)
Go into the VBE
Select that workbook's project
Click on Tools|References, look for a MISSING reference.

Delete it or replace it with one that you need.

Missing references can cause errors that have no relationship to the line that's
marked as error.

You'll want to find the culprit so that you can fix it in your copy before you
send it to other recipients.

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