Big help needed - Daughters report for graduation due tomorrow

  • Thread starter Thread starter GW
  • Start date Start date


I have a Toshiba laptop with XP home. It won't boot with
error messages that system files are damaged or corrupt.
Toshiba just includes the restore CD's that reformat the
hard drive and reinstall. My daughter has a paper on
there that is due tomorrow evening for a class that her
graduation from Pepperdine University hinges upon, 11
pages of stuff. I have a XP Home upgrade CD from another
computer that I could use to selectively restore files,
such as ntoskrnl.exe (one of the corrupt ones). How to?
HELP Please!!!!

Try this

Use the method as described on this web page below to access the "recovery console" to access the Rec

Once at the recovery console command prompt, type in

bootcfg /rebuil

Note: Your XP Upgrade CD may not work, try borrow an Retail or OEM version of XP CD from your friend to perform the task.

Good luck


----- GW wrote: ----

I have a Toshiba laptop with XP home. It won't boot with
error messages that system files are damaged or corrupt.
Toshiba just includes the restore CD's that reformat the
hard drive and reinstall. My daughter has a paper on
there that is due tomorrow evening for a class that her
graduation from Pepperdine University hinges upon, 11
pages of stuff. I have a XP Home upgrade CD from another
computer that I could use to selectively restore files,
such as ntoskrnl.exe (one of the corrupt ones). How to
HELP Please!!!
If safe mode does not work and you have a floppy drive available on the
machine and are NOT using NTFS then low tech solution would be to use an old
rescue boot disk Win98 and boot into DOS. Find the file you need of the term
paper and save to a floppy. Then perform whatever restore you need to do to
the laptop and return the file for the term paper to the computer.
you are right, the xp upgraade disk doesn't work. I am
currently looking for someone with a regular program disk
to borrow. Leaves a ot to be said for not buying one of
the name brand laptops with their own restore CD's.
-----Original Message-----

Try this:

Use the method as described on this web page below to access the "recovery console". to% 20access%20the%20Reco

Once at the recovery console command prompt, type in:

bootcfg /rebuild

Note: Your XP Upgrade CD may not work, try borrow an
Retail or OEM version of XP CD from your friend to perform
the task.
Dell ships a real set of disks.
A great present for your daughter would be a USB thumb drive
or a memory card reader and some memory cards. They make
great back up devices for term papers.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But legislators see it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| you are right, the xp upgraade disk doesn't work. I am
| currently looking for someone with a regular program disk
| to borrow. Leaves a ot to be said for not buying one of
| the name brand laptops with their own restore CD's.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hi,
| >
| >Try this:
| >
| >Use the method as described on this web page below to
| access the "recovery console".
| >
| > to%
| 20access%20the%20Reco
| >very%20Console:
| >
| >Once at the recovery console command prompt, type in:
| >
| >bootcfg /rebuild
| >
| >Note: Your XP Upgrade CD may not work, try borrow an
| Retail or OEM version of XP CD from your friend to perform
| the task.
| >
| >Good luck.
| >
| >Peter
| >
| >
| > ----- GW wrote: -----
| >
| > I have a Toshiba laptop with XP home. It won't boot
| with
| > error messages that system files are damaged or
| corrupt.
| > Toshiba just includes the restore CD's that reformat
| the
| > hard drive and reinstall. My daughter has a paper
| on
| > there that is due tomorrow evening for a class that
| her
| > graduation from Pepperdine University hinges upon,
| 11
| > pages of stuff. I have a XP Home upgrade CD from
| another
| > computer that I could use to selectively restore
| files,
| > such as ntoskrnl.exe (one of the corrupt ones). How
| to?
| > HELP Please!!!!
| >
| >.
| >
Thanks for that suggestion but it is ntfs

-----Original Message-----
If safe mode does not work and you have a floppy drive available on the
machine and are NOT using NTFS then low tech solution would be to use an old
rescue boot disk Win98 and boot into DOS. Find the file you need of the term
paper and save to a floppy. Then perform whatever restore you need to do to
the laptop and return the file for the term paper to the computer.

If you have another system you can add the drive as a Slave drive and still
be able to read from it. You just can't read from it if it is NTFS AND
Encryption was turned on.