I'm with Historian on this one. As much as I love animals and respect them, they are not human and they do not act human, although many human beanz like to think they do.
Cute as it is, the guy with the bear is walking a tightrope. All it takes is for the bear to get grumpy about something - perhaps a snake bite or the classic thorn in paw - and he could swipe the guy's head off with one hit.
You think dogs are loyal to you? Just deprive them of food long enough and your dog will kill and eat you. Every living being's base instinct is survival and this instinct is more pronounced in animals than humans, mostly cos we shelter under this thin veneer of civilisation.
Having said that, good luck to the fella, I hope him and Yogi/Rupert/Paddington/Pooh bear share a long and happy life together.