Big, friendly bear


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
An amazing friendship between man and (huge) bear:D


Reminded me of Grizzly Adams I used to watch as a kid

That guy and bear have a special bond...he is a very lucky man..:nod:
Amazing ! :)

Let's just hope that he stays friendly. There have been cases when "friendly" dogs have turned.
Amazing ! . There have been cases when "friendly" dogs have turned.

So true. My dog plays a game called sock. He will find one of my socks and lay on his pillow and protect the sock, he gives a little growl if yuo go near him,but allows you to take the sock and throw it for him. Its all part of the game. Few weeks ago that was not the case. I bent down to get the sock and he launched himself at me, growling and snarling like a mad thing. Something he has never done before
How old is your dog and what breed and sex, these were the questions my asked me to ask you. On the face of it she said it sounds like a dominance thing but it needs to be nipped in the bud. Oh by the way she is a dog trainer her speciality is agility, but has dealt with all breeds and behaviours
How old is your dog and what breed and sex, these were the questions my asked me to ask you. On the face of it she said it sounds like a dominance thing but it needs to be nipped in the bud. Oh by the way she is a dog trainer her speciality is agility, but has dealt with all breeds and behaviours

He is 6 years old. A golden Cocker Spaniel. He has always been a very good dog. He went to puppy school for all his training obviously when he was a puppy. He has been back to his normal playful silly self since then. He doesn't even bother lifting his head when postie arrives :D
I really do not trust dogs or cats.They are wild animals and have their own agenda.As for having them sleeping on your bed with you .... don`t get me started.
Ahh bless,:D probobly a bad hair day:(

Thanks for the reminder. He needs a trip to the parlour for a hair cut. Also going for a trip to the vets to get his ears and eyes checked out as I do recall as a kid one of the spaniels we had got a bit snappy only to find out he was going deaf.
I'm with Historian on this one. As much as I love animals and respect them, they are not human and they do not act human, although many human beanz like to think they do.

Cute as it is, the guy with the bear is walking a tightrope. All it takes is for the bear to get grumpy about something - perhaps a snake bite or the classic thorn in paw - and he could swipe the guy's head off with one hit.

You think dogs are loyal to you? Just deprive them of food long enough and your dog will kill and eat you. Every living being's base instinct is survival and this instinct is more pronounced in animals than humans, mostly cos we shelter under this thin veneer of civilisation.

Having said that, good luck to the fella, I hope him and Yogi/Rupert/Paddington/Pooh bear share a long and happy life together.