BIG decrease in internet download speed

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date


Literally overnight my cable modem download speed dropped from 2950 kbps to
550. Trying a known good computer returned speed to 2950 - so, the problem
IS in my computer.

My question: What's the likelihood the problem lies in some corrupted
portion of my OS? If so, would re-installing Windows be a logical next
step? I'd rather begin by installing over-top of rather than a reformatted
clean install. Got so many carefully programs, I don't want to go that
route unless absolutely necessary.

Computer background: Dell Dim 1 ghz, 512 ram, Firefox browser,
ZoneAlarm, Ad-Aware, Spybot and SpySweeper. Computer works great! - except,
for my now
less-than-DSL download speeds.

Norton current every other day. Ran all housecleaning programs yesterday.
Everything clean.

I tried a new Ethernet card. No difference. So, everything's proven good to
and including netcard. I'm literally at the end of my cable here. I'm
thinking all that's left is
the OS or Motherboard.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Hello James,
I purchased a refurbished HP Laptop that is 2003 vintage. I had to format
the drive and start all over. One of the problems was real, real, real slow
internet on 56K modem. After I reloaded a complete fresh start, everything
worked real snappy for a 56K modem hookup. I was off and running.
Over the next couple of days, the internet speed returned to the same
virtually non functioning status.
I fixed it this morning! I had my windows updater on automatic and noticed
in programs that about 6 auto updates had been loaded into my system, four of
them applied to SP2. I removed all of the so called Windows Hotfixs, one at
a time, starting from the bottom. Whoo La... My internet speed problem is
fixed!! I am back to normal with good 56K speed and there isn't one Windows
update in my system and there won't be any until I sort this out. Windows
auto update if off! These fixes are just like a virus to my computer and I
don't understand Microsoft coming aboard my computer and screwing it up! No
updates for me now.
I have Norton and also am using the MS Spyware Tool, the Beta version.
Cleaning my machine of Windows updates fixed my machine, maybe it would fix
John said:
Cleaning my machine of Windows updates fixed my machine, maybe it would fix

Hello John,

I've also encountered 'slow-downs' from updates. That's why my live-update
has been turned off since day-one. I haven't performed any updates in quite
a while.

That was a very valid possibility.

Thanks, James